
Huecotachatl are giant, colorful sea slugs that live in rocky sea grottoes and semi-submerged sea caverns in the warm southern waters of Torvalen. As adults, they can reach lengths of three meters. They normally prey on fish, crabs and other aquatic animals that are in or near their lairs. However, they will attack anything smaller than themselves. Normally solitary, occasionally a brooding huecotachatl will be encountered with ten young birthed live. These young feed off meals captured and pre-digested by their parent. Huecotachat are hermaphroditic.

Huecotachatl usually lie in wait, until they sense prey approaching. They will first shoot a stream of glue to immobilize their prey until they can move to engulf the prey. If they are attacked, they will spit an acid spray at the attacker. They will try to escape if they are badly injured.


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