
Jhargra is a port city in the northwest of Kalmasa, near the border of the Kalmasan Samraj and the Neztlalpan Confederation. It is the second largest city in the Kalmasan Samraj, behind only the imperial capital of Solkar. Already large, it grew even larger during the Northern Wars, where it became the largest shipbuilder in the Samraj, supplied by lumber from the vast forests of Neraj.

Although it is adjascent to the province of Neraj, Jhargra is a free city-state granted an imperial charter by Mahendran I after his conquest. Slavery for debt or crime is legal in Neraj, but outlawed in Jhargra. This concession was granted due to the importance of Jhargra as a center of trade.

Any escaped slave who manages to reach Jhargra is legally free, though if they were slaves due to debt or crime, their previous owners or civil authorities in which the crime was committed can file suit in the temple court for redress. Most do not, since the runaways often have nothing. Instead they may seek to kidnap the runaway. For this reason, most runaways find a way to get far away since only Jhargran citizens are pursued and citizenship is either by birth, ten year residence or a hefty fee.

Aside from shipbuilding and lumber, Jhargra is a major center for trade commodities, such as gold, silver, iron, wheat, pelts, as well as a variety of manufactured goods, including semiotic weapons, tools and constructs.

The city is governed by a city council made up of men and women ostensibly chosen democratically by the citizenry of Jhargra, but whom are in fact largely the representatives of the powerful merchants and guilds of the city.

Large city


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