
Tetzahuitl are undead horrors of Calmaxtec tradition. They are made through the power of terrible hate and will. A tetzahuitl is made by a mortal who sacrifices themselves through a special ritual, to a dark power, exchanging a piece of their souls for the power to carry out their will beyond life. Tetzahuitl have no specific form, though most are grotesque parodies of living beings who often take on some of the physical characteristics of the dark power with whom they have bargained.

All tetzahuitl are elani transformed by their own free will. The vast majority of tezahuitl were motivated to undertake this path either out of a desire for revenge or a desire to hold on after death to fulfill their dark ambitions.

These beings are extremely strong and resilient. They also possess varied special powers granted by their patrons, such as quickness, mind control, power over the elements or the dead among other abilities. In exchange for their continued existence, they must perform tasks for their patron. If they refuse they can be compelled though the piece of their soul, their violition, that the patron possesses. This arrangement is eternal unless the tetzahuitl is destroyed completely.



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