
Lord of Storms, Lightning Cloak, He of the Blue and Black

Xantoc is teotl of storms and rivers. He is a fierce spirit and much feared, especially in the riverlands of southern Kalmasa that are subject to violent floods. Despite this reputation, he is one of the most popular of the teteo, especially by farmers, for his ability to bring much needed rains. As dangerous as floods and the water beasts that are his domain, they fear drought and the starvation that it leads to even more.

It is the custom in many Calmaxtec agricultural communities for the men to make offerings to Xantoc on the same days that the women make offerings to his consort, Ixtelcotictli, Lady of Still Waters. While the men ask Xantoc to bring the rains, the women beg Ixtelcotictli to calm his passions.

Xantoc is usually represented as a bare chested man with the headdress of a pachantl, aquatic keratoplexan predator of the rivers and swamps. His face is painted half blue and half black and he wears a cloak of lightning and a skirt of emerald feathers. He holds a greenstone club in one hand and a rattle made from a human skull in the other.

Divine Classification

Cover image: by Josep Castells


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