Misemere Settlement in Rethium | World Anvil
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There lies within Stale a run-down hamlet.
  A small gathering of about one-thousand individuals or so.
  It is called Misemere.
  Located near the heart of the Ash Forest in Stale just east of it's geological center, this small hamlet is not much more than a main road lined by shops and a few surrounding streets filled with taverns, diners and hotels for travelers passing through the area from one part of Stale to the other on long trips.
  The appearance of the hamlet is an unfortunately drab one, and gives the appearance of being ghostly, old and almost completely abandoned from the outside. The walls and foundations of many of the buildings are sagging and rotten, and several of the buildings along the main streets and others have been boarded or locked up due to lack of business or the money needed to keep them open. The buildings are often built around clumps of trees and are relatively small compared to most larger shops in other villages and towns. Almost every single building in Misemere is only one story tall including standard homes for the residents and workers of the small, lonely hamlet.
  The only two-story building that can be found in Misemere is the Hamlet Hall, which is home to the founder of the hamlet, Kymil Trisnan, a half-elf who had ventured into Ash Forest after travelling from another settlement in Stale and becoming unfortunately lost along the way. He initially founded the hamlet to provide himself with a new home, as well as a small waypoint between cities to allow travelers to find their way through the country on their own journeys. He is an old figure in his late seventies or eighties and is the sole superior manager of all the known businesses in the hamlet, with a large checking book devoted to each locale in the small forested waypoint. His secretary, an Elf woman named Penelo Fencan, is the only woman to whom he is known to speak with on a regular basis, and it is believed that despite their age gap, the elder Kymil has fallen for Penelo, but has kept their relationship strictly professional and friendly to avoid controversy from the other residents and workers in the town. Most often they can be found inside a small diner on a nearby street eating lunch together and speaking of various topics, amongst them the steady but idle growth of the small hamlet. 
  One of the most famous storefronts in the hamlet is called Madge's Menagerie, and is a small shop devoted to selling and caring for abandoned animals found by the shop's owner, Marjorie Madge, who is simply known as Madge throughout the small hamlet. Other buildings in the hamlet include the Bluestone Brook Inn - named for the Bluestone Brook that runs behind it in the garden - the Textilophile textile shop, the Herbology Haven greenhouse and garden shop, Hyacinth's Haberdashery - owned by Hettie Hyacinth who is strangely similar in appearance to Madge, the owner of the Menagerie. There are plenty more shops and stores in Misemere, but too many names to give them all. 
  The strangest thing in Misemere is that the owners of many of the shops and other locales appear to look very similar to one another in complexion and their tones of voice, many of which are rumored to be false tones that don't actually exist and instead have been fabricated by the women who run those buildings. There is a rumor that Yagi, the goddess of the Forest has come to the mortal world to comfort and guide travelers and has created similar but different versions of herself to occupy the small and lonely forested hamlet.

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