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by Leviathan
After many, many years adapting to the extreme underwater environments within the abyssopelagic zone, some Soundglobes found a new way to thrive. The Chemoglobes, descendants of the Soundglobes, live in areas near hydrothermal vents, as their main food source now comes from their symbiotic relationship with chemosynthetic bacteria. In the image above, a group of Chemoglobes can be seen floating near some hydrothermal vents.

Basic Information


While they share a similar anatomy to their ancestors, such as the lack of eyes, distinct changes can be identified, as their bells have now gained a more cone-like shape, their skin is now much closer to a light gray, and what the 2 (two) discs that could be found around their torso have now fused into a single, larger disc, that still retains its role in the creatures stabilization. However, possibly the most significant change, is the presence of groups of vascularized plumes surrounding their 8 (eight) tentacles, these are filled with a special type of hemoglobin, capable of carrying oxygen without being inhibited by the presence of sulfide, which serve the purpose of collecting the essential nutrients to the chemosynthetic bacteria that live within their Trophosome, which resides within what once was their stomachs.   Resembling another case of deep-sea gigantism, the Chemoglobes are now almost 10 (ten) times larger than some of their shallow-water relatives, most likely because of the higher abundance of food near the vents. With this, almost all of their organs have increased in size, especially their 4 (four) hearts, but their “brains” seem to not have grown much.

Genetics and Reproduction

Chemoglobes reproduce sexually through broadcast spawn and are hermaphrodites. They release their gametes through the gap on their ventral side.

Growth Rate & Stages

They have 3 (three) distinct life stages, starting as eggs, who then develop into the young and finally maturing into adults. All of them spend their times near hydrothermal vents.

Ecology and Habitats

Chemoglobes only live in areas where hydrothermal vents can be found, as they are necessary components to their survival.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As the presence of hydrothermal vents is strictly necessary for their survival, small hair-like protrusions in their tentacles are capable of detecting differences in the water’s temperature, allowing for them to more easily find their way back if they get lost somehow.   Thanks to being descendants from the Soundglobes, they are still capable of vibrating their bells, but as they are rarely found anywhere except near vents, this ability is less used to find mates and seems to mostly be used when they being are attacked by a predator, alerting the surround Chemoglobes, who then start vibrating as well as a way to startle and confuse said predator.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Chemoglobes have a symbiotic relationship with Chemosynthetic bacteria.
Created By
Genetic Ancestor
Scientific Name
Chemoamandi Globo
11 local years
Average Height
82-92 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
While most of its body is Grey, the vascularized plumes on the tentacles are a bright red color, as they are full of hemoglobin.


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