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by Leviathan
A Poezog clings to the side of a Serpent Fish, seeking more nutrient rich waters.

Basic Information


Poezogs are comprised of a central circular body 3 cm tall and 12 cm wide and a relatively flat front and back. The central disc has a singular large suction cup protruding from the rear end, this suction cup is of similar width to the main body and is significantly lighter. The suction cup is a fusion of its ancestor’s hind tentacles and is located directly on the center of the rear. It’s ancestors feeding fronds have been repurposed for locomotion and are located on its side at equal intervals and beat back and forth for locomotion allowing it to move both backwards and forwards. Each frond has evolved a far more feather-like appearance and the hooks have become softer and more numerous. It’s digestive tract has evolved to become simpler, with it losing its anus and instead regurgitating fecal matter. It has one small eye at an equal distance in between every two locomotive fronds. They have a thin brain located in their rear, just below the stomach. Poezogs stick to other creatures with their suction cup, allowing them to be transported around easily. If the creature attempts to remove them, they will detach and swim away, seeking a more accommodating host. Excess nutrients is stored as fat inside their brain.

Genetics and Reproduction

After the first month of their existence they will reproduce via aphroditic broadcast spawning every month. They begin the reproductive process via using their suction cup to attach to anything that is stationary and can accommodate their size. They will then begin to broadcast spawn. They use up most of their fat storage during this time, After broadcast spawning they will spend a decent amount of time, usually about a month, regaining strength and nutrients by feeding on marine snow.

Growth Rate & Stages

Poezogs live for 1 day as an egg before developing into an infant. They will stay an infant for three months, They will stop growing after these months so they must consume and grow as much as possible during this time. After said months they will have reached sexual maturity.

Ecology and Habitats

Along the continental shelf from around the twilight zone to midnight zone. Only enters open water if they attach to a swimming host.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They use their locomotive fronds to feed on marine snow or tiny creatures when attached to rocks or other unmoving structures. If attached to a moving creature they will act much the same but will also brush the surface of the creature to snag any paracites or dead skin. Any biological material small enough to enter its mouth will be digested. They will only begin digestion once they are full. If they are not full they will continue to eat. This is to maximize the amount of food eaten before secretion of waste.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They aren't very intelligent and have limited memory to anything besides sound and smell. If they hear or smell something, they will remember what to do when faced with that same thing or something similar at a later time.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poezogs have limited sight however have a strong sense of smell and hearing. The feathered tips of the locomotive tendrils work as chemoreceptors and can also precisely detect vibrations in the water around them.
Created By
Prehistoric Game Cartridge
Genetic Ancestor
Sea Tumbleweed
Scientific Name
unumpoculum comedenti
5 Years
Average Height
3 cm
Average Length
12 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Poezog’s are a light gray, sometimes white, or on even rarer occasions, a foggy translucent, on their entire epidermis. Some Poezogs have a light blue ring going around their main body, typically at a 40-20 degree angle.


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