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by Leviathan
A Salmogator hunts an Abyssutus which wandered higher up the water column.

Basic Information


The organism is roughly shaped like something more belonging to pseudotetrapoda rather than radiotropha, its body is covered in bronze plating, mostly gained through absorbing metal from the water and feeding on prey like Warheads, these plates evolved from the metal barbs on its ancestors' front tendrils. The many rows of teeth on each jaw are made to damage the metal of the prey and keep the prey from escaping via physically blocking them or disabling their movement through injury. Hanging over the side of the jaw are a few lip-plates which prevent prey from escaping, between the lip-plates are patches of exposed flesh which are there to help sense movement and electricity in front of the organism. Next to its jaw is a pair of large mandible-like graspers which are used to grab prey and force it into the jaw as well as hold onto rocks while breeding, the graspers are covered in thicker plates. Its gene-morphing ability is significantly reduced and only present for reproductive purposes. The organism's roots have become far more useful, being now split into a top and bottom set of roots. The top set are used purely for propulsion, using a kicking motion to propel itself forward, while the bottom set is used as a form of lesser propulsion but also manipulators, helping prop up the organism as it sits amongst rocks in wait of passing prey or to help sense movement in front of it. Between the digits on each root are thin membranes to assist with swimming. Salmogators have two separate vascular systems. One around the root system and stomach of the organism and one around the main body, graspers, and head. Neither use blood cells and simply use water absorbed through pores in the skin. The water is pumped by organs similar to hearts. When the plates become damaged or dented they will be shed and consumed to recycle the metals.

Genetics and Reproduction

Salmogators reproduce sexually, when two mature Salmogators encounter each other in the wild they will embrace each other, holding the others roots, while using their graspers to hold onto rocks to keep themselves stable in the water while they mate. The tips of the roots will undergo rapid cell growth and will begin to fuse together thanks to the gene-adaptivity. After about one day of being like this the fused tips will break apart from the parents and be free floating chunks of flesh feeding on radiation and keeping themselves buoyant until they develop enough to perform controlled swimming. The offspring will adapt the combined microbiomes of its parents, as internal microbiome organisms are absorbed into the bloodstream and taken to the root tips during mating. Because of the reproduction method, Salmogators produce an absolute minimum of 4 larvae with every mating occasion. But can make up to 16 larvae maximum.

Growth Rate & Stages

Salmogators start as small larvae barely able to navigate the world, with two internal pockets, one is their swimbladder, and the other is what will become a gut, but serves during the larval stage as storage for the gut microbiome. They just use their internal gas chamber to keep buoyant, using paddles to swim toward radiation sources. They are born with both radiosensors and photoreceptors preventing them from swimming too high in search of radiation. They slowly grow, developing their mouth and digestive system allowing them to feed on plankton and grow further, their simple paddles developing digits and becoming more complex until they are a smaller unarmored version of the adult. During this stage they will slowly and progressively develop their armor as it is harder for them to eat warheads at this size, and therefore more difficult for them to acquire the large quantities of metal needed for their armor and titanium teeth. The whole process takes only 4 years to reach adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Salmogators live along the continental slope of Niylan and it’s surrounding Hydrothermal vents around the seafloor and midnight zone, partaking in a vertical migration during the night to hunt in the more nutrient rich shallows. They feed mainly on other radiotropha, as they need a high metal count to be at prime health, but they have no qualms with hunting non-radiotropha. It is able to fit a tremendous amount of food into its mouth when it bites as both top and bottom jaws are able to open.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivores that feed on any organism smaller than it, preferring Warheads and other radiotrophs for their high amount of metal, though their larval states feed on plankton. Salmogators also feed on ambient radiation found in the continental shelf of Niylan.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Salmogators are mostly lone hunters, though they are not territorial and don’t mind the company of others of its species, it is simply not interested in proactively finding others of its kind unless for mating purposes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Salmogators have a wide variety of senses to help them find prey, this has actually sped up development of the nerve system as a higher intelligence was needed for their slowly growing number of natural senses. Along the dorsal side of the organism, many of the radiosensors have transitioned to be photoreceptive instead, helping them differentiate between radiation from rocks / volcanism and the sun as they’ve moved into shallower waters along the Niylan continental slope. Sensitive tissue that functions as both a form of electrosense and vibration detection appears along the upper lip of the organism.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Salmogators use symbiotic gut chemocoids to aid in the digestion of metals.
Created By
Prehistoric Game Cartridge
Genetic Ancestor
Radio Raptor
Scientific Name
Armarapax Ferrummanducare
40 years
Average Height
40 cm
Average Length
1.5 meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They vary in color between black and dark brown.


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