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by Leviathan
Sonicglobes are deep sea predatory creatures which evolved from Soundglobes. They have adapted their stabilizing fins into sensory organs capable of detecting vibrations in the water with extreme precision. They also have the ability to produce extremely loud sounds to communicate with other Sonicglobes. They use these organs to hunt for anything smaller than it that moves in the deep oceans.

Basic Information


Sonicglobes have a neutrally-buoyant bell atop their bodies used for suspending themselves in the water. This bell contains four muscles which can be oscillated to produce sounds. They are capable of producing the loudest sounds on Almaisha at their time. The bell also has gills on its underside, which can expel the water within for a short burst of motion. Sonicglobes feature four pairs of sensory lobes which are extremely sensitive and precise. Sonicglobes have eight tentacles with seven stiff protrusions. The tentacles are webbed, which allows the Sonicglobe to swim. The tentacles can restrain prey and bring it to the mouth, into the stomach to be digested. Soniglobos velocis has a more streamlined body and shorter tentacles than its cousin species do. Its webbing extends farther down the tentacles, which are lined with more curved and spike-like protrusions used to hook and lacerate prey. They also have more powerful muscles to expel water from the gills for longer and faster bursts of speed. They also have larger sensory lobes and the most complex social relationships and communication of all Sonicglobe species, and hunt in ballons.   Soniglobos minimus is the smallest of the Sonicglobes, and forms symbiotic relationships with larger deep sea and open sea predators. Their tentacles are tipped with small, sharp hooks used to hold onto their host and to gather scraps, parasites, and grime. Their sensory organs are as large (compared to overall body size) as Soniglobos velocis has, which allows them to, in some cases, lead their host to prey they wouldn’t normally be able to find.   Soniglobos maximus is the largest of the Sonicglobes, and lives the most solitary and stationary life. They mostly hunt using suspension feeding, waiting for prey to wander into range before striking or passively catching it. Their nearly 4-meter long tentacles allow them incredible range to passively feed on marine snow and the occasional absent-minded prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sonicglobes reproduce sexually and are hermaphrodites. They reproduce through their mouth mating oral end to oral end.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sonicglobes germinate on the insides of the tentacle webbing of their parent, attached by a thin, sticky film. Once fully formed, the infant emerges from the film with its kin. Infants are usually subject to the currents, and will either be lucky enough to join the existing ballon, create a new ballon with its siblings, join another existing ballon, or be stranded to fend for itself. Despite being born in the hundreds, barely half a dozen of each generation survives to adulthood, where they will reproduce and begin the cycle again.

Ecology and Habitats

Sonicglobes can be found in the abyssopelagic zone in baloons, which are groups of multiple Sonicglobes. Soniglobos soniglobos live in ballons of up to 10 members. Soniglobos velocis live in ballons of up to 30 members, which hunt by swarming prey items as a group. They can communicate with other members of their ballon and pack hundreds of kilometers away. Soniglobos minimus live in symbiotic relationships with larger deep sea and open ocean predators. Depending on the size of the host, they can go solo, or there may be several organisms staying with a single host. They feed on the host’s scraps and clean them of parasites and any algae that may accumulate. Soniglobos maximus live solitarily, but communicate over long distances to find mates every mating season. Oftentimes, large ballons will form temporarily during this time.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sonicglobes are capable of producing sounds which can travel underwater for hundreds of kilometers. Most of their sounds are very long and deep wails, each one being used to communicate different signals. Sonicglobes have the sensory organs to detect these sounds, too. Their sensory lobes are extremely precise and sensitive, and are used to accurately locate everything around themselves. Sonicglobes are blind, and essentially do not possess eyes.
Created By
Genetic Ancestor
Scientific Name
Average Height
Soniglobos soniglobos:
Total: 300 cm
Body: 85 cm
Soniglobos velocis:
Total: 100 cm
Body: 50 cm
Soniglobos minimus:
Total: 70 cm
Body: 30 cm
Soniglobos maximus:
Total; 450 cm
Body: 90 cm


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