Although Greatspace is a single government, it is less structured than many typical governments simply due to the vast distances between planets and the difference of the many cultures found there. But Thesalys is the home world of House
Shambrath, the governor of Greatspace who is often more of a figurehead than anything else.
Thesalys is a beautiful planet. It has a wide variety of climate and geography. There are many unique cultures living on Thesalys; so many, in fact, that separate volumes could easily be dedicated to the array of life styles found on Greatspace’s “capital.” In general, the planet is divided into five separate major governments, each peacefully vying for political supremacy on Thesalys. To date, House Shambrath is the most dominant and has been so for several centuries. House Shambrath’s rule is not resented and is considered beneficial.
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