The Ophanim Item in Reverie | World Anvil

The Ophanim

Ophanim is the name of a brass ring lined with tiny glass eyes. When no one is wearing the ring, the eyes remain completely still, appearing to be decorative in nature. However, the moment someone wears the ring, all of the eyes start moving around in seemingly random directions. These eyes react to light and seem to respond when the wearer of the ring speaks.   Although the Ophanim cannot speak, it can communicate with the mind of its wearer. The way it communicates is through a series of fragmented emotions, imagery and words. These fragmented messages show that the Ophanim is sentient to some degree, even though it has difficulty communicating.   It does not seem to have any desire outside of being worn by a person. While some are suspicous of the ring's motives, most people believe that it simply wants company.   The origin of the ring is unknown. The styling and ornamentation of the ring does not seem to match any current existing cultures. In fact, it seems to predate most human cultures.
Many people have described the ring as having a sarcastic personality with one former wearer saying " For something that can't even speak, it sure has an attitude! Always rolling its eyes at me.."


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