Aramil's Armour Item in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Aramil's Armour

Aramil's Armour is a legendary set of magical armour which is split into 6 pieces: the helmet, the breastplate, the right and left gauntlet, and the right and left leg. Each piece is said to hold a different ability, and when multiple pieces are worn together new abilities can manifest and the previous abilities can be made stronger until eventually the entire set of armour is assembled at which point you are given ultimate, legendary power.  


The Myth of Aramil's Armour can be read to know the mysterious past surrounding this item. Although it is only a myth the story stands that there was a drow warrior who came from the Underdark and caused destruction wherever they went. The drow was supposedly named Aramil. Once defeated by a large assembly of powerful people the armour was broken apart and magically the six parts were each sent in their own direction.  

Rumours of the new wearers

It has been rumoured that throughout the ages after the Drow Knight's defeat and the separation of their armour individuals have happened across the separate pieces and wielded them themselves. It is unknown which of these tales are true because some might be outright lies and some might be unintentional lies where what might have seemed like a piece of Aramil's Armour was actually a different armour instead.

Julian Savage

Julian Savage, a member of the Drowsy Traveler, when venturing through the Fey Woods had lost his right arm without which he lived for about 8 years, spending some of that time as a gladiator in Melhar being called the One Armed Savage. When he became the champion and was released, joining back with his friend Randal Evenwood and joining the Drowsy traveler, he found the Right Gauntlet of Aramil's Armour in a temple and attached it to his shoulder. Surprisingly, he was able to move the gauntlet even though he didn't have an arm underneath. What he couldn't do was remove the gauntlet as it had magically attached itself to him. It is said that the gauntlet gave him great strength with which he could wield large weapons.

Chief Ixgin

Chief Ixgin, who was called the Coal Crowned Chief was the leader of Greyfrost Tribe and as his title implied he had a dark helmet on his head, one that he couldn't remove. One of his men had found Aramil's Helmet supposedly in the middle of a field during a scouting mission and since Lord Ixgin liked it so much, he put it on but wasn't able to remove it. The helmet was said to have allowed Lord Ixgin to breathe out large smoke clouds that he could ignite.
Item type
Aramil's Armour is said to be one of a kind and with the power it gives it is a legendary artifact.

New Wielders

Julian Savage with the Aramil's right gauntlet
Chief Ixgin with Aramil's Helmet

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Cover image: by yo shimizu
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