A night in the dark

“What the fuck…?” the team leader exclaims as he pushes open the door of the old building. Before you lies a staircase like any other, old, dirty, worn out – typical for this neighborhood. Graffiti sprawls across the cracked, peeling walls, and the acrid smell of urine mingles with the damp, musty air, making you gag.   All of this would be normal at any given day, but on the first landing your eyes find a scene straight out of a nightmare – civilians lie piled up like carelessly discarded dolls, their faces forever frozen in the moment of their death, their lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling. Above it all, you hear the sound of cracking bones and a shuffling noise – a twisted silhouette slowly rises. “GHOUL!” yells your team leader, firing a wild burst in the creature’s direction. A howl escapes its throat. High, animalistic. It chills you to the bone.   From the darkness of the building, you hear echoes of these sounds, a cacaphony of dread that settles on your soul. Static cracks from your radio, then a voice cuts trough the noise:   “Base to Grün 5, ghoul presence confirmed – clear the building, weapons free.”   <shortly after>   With trembling hands, you press the compress to the soldier’s chest. Your heart races, pounding in your ears, and you fight against the rising panic that threatens to paralyze you. The deep wounds glisten faintly in the weak light of the sprawl, and the rapidly spreading black on the compress makes you fear the worst for Franz. The air is thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder and blood, mingling with the damp, musty scent of the basement. Every breath feels like a struggle, the stench clawing at your throat.   The staccato fire of your team’s Rheinmetall assault rifles is only interrupted by short, frantic pauses for reloading. and the muted crash of grenades. Each sends shockwaves through the confined space, the vibrations rattling your bones. The bestial howls of more ghouls throwing themselves into your comrades’ fire without regard for their lives echo off the walls, creating a cacophony of chaos. The walls seem to close in around you, the oppressive darkness pressing down, making it hard to think, hard to breathe.   Your hands are slick with sweat and blood, the compress slipping as you try to apply pressure. The rough texture of the soldier’s uniform scratches against your skin, drawing you back into reality. “MEDIC!” you hear from the other end of the large basement, the shout barely cutting through the noise. One of your team goes down in the dim light, buried under two ghouls. The sight is a blur of movement and shadows, and the sense of urgency is overwhelming. The claustrophobic space amplifies every sound, every scream, every gunshot, turning the basement into a nightmarish symphony of violence and desperation.   With a battle cry, two of the remaining eight members of your fireteam charge the ghouls, knives flashing in the dim light. They fight with a ferocity born of desperation, determined to protect their teammate. One of the ghouls goes down, still howling, a Bundeswehr knife buried to the hilt in its eye. The other succumbs to a battering of rifle stocks, its body crumpling under the relentless assault. The air is thick with the smell of blood and gunpowder, and the ghouls’ howls echo off the walls, a chilling symphony of insanity and fury. But even body armor doesn’t fully protect against these insane creatures – your comrade’s arm hangs uselessly, and you know it’s now a race against time. Will the reinforcements find only a slaughterhouse or arrive in time?   The smell of burning flesh and the metallic tang of blood fill your nostrils, making you gag. The relentless noise assaults your ears, each gunshot a sharp, piercing crack that reverberates through your skull. The cold, damp floor beneath you is a stark contrast to the heat of the battle, the chill seeping through your clothes and into your bones. The weight of the medical pack on your back feels like a leaden burden, dragging you down as you struggle to move forward,, when just for a moment the world seems to hold its breath. The howling of the ghouls grows quieter, and even the gunfire sounds muffled. Then, out of nowhere, a massive blow hits you in the back, spinning you across the room and slamming you against the wall where you collapse.   Bright light streams through the swirling dust, tickling your nose and making your eyes water as you open them, groaning. The entire back of the basement is now an uneven ramp of rubble over which two more Bundeswehr fire teams are fighting their way down. A broad-shouldered troll, towering over the rubble, unleashes thunderous bursts from his heavy machine gun, each shot a hammering, painful noise in your skull..   You struggle to your feet and look around, but in all the dust, you can only make out vague shapes at the other end of the basement.   One of the newcomers reaches out a hand to you, his eyes alert as he scans the surroundings. “You ok, doc?”   With a painful groan, you let yourself be helped up and brush the dust off your uniform.

Breaking News:

Ghoul Outbreak Contained in Eisenach’s Low-Income District
  Eisenach, July 16, 2084 – In a swift and decisive operation, Bundeswehr forces successfully contained a ghoul outbreak in Eisenach’s low-income district last night. The incident, which began as a routine patrol, escalated into a significant confrontation with a large number of ghouls within an abandoned building.  
Event Report
  At approximately 2200 hours, a Bundeswehr patrol unit entered a derelict building known for its deteriorating condition and frequent use by squatters. Upon reaching the first landing, the team encountered a disturbing scene: numerous civilian casualties and the presence of hostile ghouls. The team immediately engaged the threats, initiating a containment protocol.
  The situation intensified as the team descended into the building’s basement, where they faced a relentless assault from the ghouls. The confined space and overwhelming numbers of the creatures created a challenging tacticalenvironment. However, the Bundeswehr forces, demonstrating exceptional discipline and coordination, managed to hold their ground.
  Reinforcements arrived promptly, including additional fire teams and heavy support units. The combined efforts of these units successfully neutralized the ghoul threat, ensuring the safety of the surrounding area.  
Aftermath and Safety Assurance
  Following the operation, the Bundeswehr conducted a thorough sweep of the building and surrounding vicinity to ensure no further threats remained. Medical teams were deployed to provide immediate assistance and assess the situation. The area has since been secured, and peace has been restored.   Authorities have launched an investigation into the origins of the ghouls and the circumstances leading to their presence in the building. Preliminary findings suggest the possibility of illegal viral research into the Krieger-V strain. The Bundeswehr, in collaboration with local law enforcement and investigative agencies, is committed to uncovering the truth and preventing future incidents.  
Public Safety and Community Support
  The Bundeswehr assures the public that the situation is under control and there is no ongoing threat to the community. Security measures have been heightened, and patrols will continue to monitor the area to ensure the safety of all residents - ensuing unrest has already been contained and there is no need to leave the area.   Brigadier General Ruben Müller, commanding officer of the operation, stated, “Our forces responded swiftly and effectively to this unprecedented threat. The safety of our citizens is our top priority, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure their protection. We urge the community to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity.”   Support services are available for those affected by the incident, and efforts are underway to provide assistance and reassurance to the residents of Eisenach.   The Bundeswehr’s swift response and effective containment of the ghoul outbreak have been widely praised. The operation highlights the dedication and professionalism of the forces in maintaining public safety and addressing emergent threats.

This news article is provided by courtesy of the
Eisenach Rundschau, a subdivision of Deutsche Medien und Kommunikations-AG (DeMeKo AG)


Ghouls are unfortunate victims of the Krieger-V strain of a disease known as HMHVV, or Human Meta-Human Vampiric Virus. This virus causes a horrific transformation, blinding the victim and creating a craving for metahuman flesh. This often leads to psychotic breaks and the victim enters a feral state.  

Public Health and Safety Concerns

  An outbreak of the Krieger-V strain poses significant public health and safety risks. Infected individuals, driven by feral instincts, can become highly dangerous, leading to violent encounters and casualties trough infection. This necessitates increased security measures and frequent patrols by law enforcement and military units to ensure public safety.  

Legal and Ethical Implications

  The management of HMHVV outbreaks raises complex legal and ethical questions. Authorities must balance the need for public safety with the rights of infected individuals. This includes decisions on quarantine measures, medical treatment, and the use of force in containment operations. Ensuring ethical treatment while maintaining security is a delicate and ongoing challenge.

Expenditure Report:

  5.56mm NATO rounds: 7,500 rounds
7.62mm NATO rounds: 3,000 rounds

  Flashbang grenades: 1 unit
Fragmentation grenades: 26 units

  Active personal:
  36 deployed,
4 deceased,
12 wounded,
10 medevaced
  The operation required significant use of ammunition and defensive equipment due to the high number of hostile ghouls and the challenging tactical environment.
  The Bundeswehr forces demonstrated exceptional discipline and coordination, ensuring the successful neutralization of the threat and the safety of the surrounding infrastructure.


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Aug 14, 2024 22:18 by Secere Laetes

Erstaunlich. Du schreibst in Shadowrun genauso lebendig wie in Aran'sha, nur anders. Schön eingefangen und eben wirklich sehr lebendig, nur irgendwie bezweifle ich, dass diese Ghoule wirklich die Chance hatten, behandelt zu werden. Aber okay, der Massenmord davoor war auch schwierig.