The highest bid

An annual, invite-only event, orchestrated by the elite for whom money is no longer important, this auction is a celebration of greed, corruption, and excess.   The gala takes place in the opulent halls of the old Kurhaus, a grandiose building that once hosted elegant balls and high society gatherings. Now, its marble floors and crystal chandeliers serve as the backdrop for a night of depravity. The air is thick with the scent of expensive perfumes, and mingling with the acrid smell of illicit substances. Neon lights cast eerie glows on the faces of the attendees, warping faces and creating a setting that is both glamorous and sinister.  

The Auction

The centerpiece of the gala is the black market auction, where coveted and illegal items are sold to the highest bidder. Rare magical artifacts, experimental cyberware, and even human lives are up for grabs. The auctioneer, a slick corporate executive with a silver tongue, hypes each item with a mix of charm and grandeur. The crowd, a mix of corporate elites and shadowy figures, bids with reckless abandon, their eyes gleaming with greed. Every position is put on display with dramatic flair, illuminated by spotlights that pierce through the dimly lit hall.  

The Feast

A lavish banquet is laid out, catered to by faceless servants, featuring exotic dishes from around the world. The food is decadent, but there is more to the feast. Many of the ingredients are sourced from illegal operations, including endangered species. genetically modified creatures and supposedly even more forbidden delights. The guests indulge without a second thought, their laughter and conversation masking the horrors behind their meals. The tables are adorned with intricate centerpieces, and the clinking of crystal glasses and polite laughter echoes trough the halls.  

The Entertainment

During breaks in the auction, the entertainment shifts to brutal combat exhibitions. Augmented fighters, both human and animal, are pitted against each other in a blood-soaked arena. The crowd cheers as flesh and metal collide, the violence a stark reminder of the corporations’ ruthless nature. The fighters, many of them slaves or debtors, fight for their lives while the elite place bets and sip champagne. The arena is surrounded by high-tech barriers, ensuring that the bloodshed remains contained, yet visible to all.  

The Deals

Throughout the night, shadowy deals are struck in the dimly lit corners of the Kurhaus. Corporate executives and underworld figures negotiate over black market goods, information, and services. The air is thick with the tension of high-stakes bargaining, and many a life has been ruined in a night of shadowy deals and high stakes


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Aug 15, 2024 23:35 by Secere Laetes

Das passt wirklich gut zum Prompt. Okay, insgesamt passt Shadowrun zur Korruptionsbekämpfung und solchen Traditionen sehr gut. Wirklich ein sehr exklusiver Schwarzmarkt mit ebensolchem Rahmenprogramm. Führte da ein Run hin oder waren das Auftraggeber?

Aug 22, 2024 10:43

Das ist tatsächlich eine Neukreation und gab es in meinen bisherigen Runs noch nicht - aber da fielen mir eine Menge Plots zu ein.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Sep 1, 2024 11:29 by Secere Laetes

Hm, dann könnte man ja überlegen, ob wir mal ne Runde Shadowrun spielen und wenn es eben nur in diesem Schreib-Verfahren ist.