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History of Lyzantus

Once the United Empire of Palushrok fell and the dwarves were forced to retreat there were many lands left unclaimed and unprotected. the south of Orzadama had played a large role in the plot that ultimately saw the end of the dwarven god Orzic and the collapse of said empire. In it's place began to rise a darkness, founded on blame and guilt, demanding a scapegoat to hold accountable for the suffering of the people in this new world where they were left to fend for themselves. Led by the surviving members of the dark cult that had orchestrated Orzic's demise now calling themselves The Remnant, they used their positions within the communities to manipulate, twist, and control the peoples fears and outrage.   The five years that followed saw dark times indeed, as The Remnant attempted to establish their own empire under a puppet king, Jerzon Umbrid. Fearmongering became the norm, constantly blaming those on the outside for their suffering, regularly putting travelers through Southern Orzadama to death for imagined crimes and preaching that the Godscar was a portal to Gehenna, carved as a last malicious attempt by the avaricious dwarves to ensure weakness and suffering so that they may once again come to conquer lands they consider theirs.   In the year 453 in the Age of Rebirth, on a cool clear night on the 24th of Emberleaf, Vayna was full in the sky, a bright light against the vacuous black that was a waxing Aebos, Dinvella Surgewrought was born into the world. Like the rest of her astral kin, she was born into being already fully formed and with a nunderstanding, at least in principal, of what she was here to accomplish. Though rare, there had been stories of folk like her before; scattered throughout history in tales of great influence and power. She looked out over what was the lands before her and the cruelty that the southern realms of Orzadama had fallen to and set herself straight to work.   The six years that followed were not easy ones, but she held to her duty, confident that she was brought to these people and guided by Baalas, god of wisdom and magic, to free these people so that they may lay the foundation to what she believed he saw as the future. Over these six years she was able to turn much of the land against The Remnant and to the arcane logic of what she perceived to be her master. What many consider to be the capstone event that secured an inevitable civil war was the one and only meeting between the king Jerzon and Dinvella. Through words clearly not his own he lamented, telling her that she could have been a stunning example of an evolved world, of a true future instead of the hate she spews. Her response was pity and little else, refusing to even acknowledge the king as a man, calling him "the tool through which suffering is doled out."   And so began the civil war of the south. As the sixth year anniversary of her birth was upon them she rallied her troops and spoke of a future that none of them would ever see. She spoke of beautiful sprawling cities of silvers and blues, or magic unlike any they could fathom and faith so strong it could manifest destiny itself. On the eve on that final stand she told them the stories of this kingdom they fought for and with her innate arcane essence she unleashed a powerful ward of protection over them all with a single word "Lyzant", and in that flash of brilliant light, she was gone. Dispersed back into the arcane ether from whence she had come. Some began to fear, no longer led by this inspirational being of something far more than them, but the truest of them stood and rallied together each man and woman willing to wield a sword, to weave the arcane towards their ends and ultimately, prepared or not, the battle did come.   It was bloody, brutal, unforgiving and demanding, but as the dust and blood, sweat and steel all came to settle, the Remnant had lost. King Jerzon Umbrid was cast out of the southern lands, never to return. The few members who made up the Remnant Council were put to death publicly that night, strung up and left to hang as reminders of the blackness that they had allowed to seep into their hearts. This was the birth of Lyzantus, The Holy Kingdom of Wisdom and Arcane Intellect.   Today Lyzantus has become one of the most dominant powers in the modern age, boasting the most expansive and renown arcane academies in the known world. While the worship of other gods is accepted and welcomed in Lyzantus, the Sapist movement and their worship of Baalas is by far and large the primary culture of the people, led by the Silver Crest in Southreach. They teach of the powers and uses of magic, and the dangers of a lack of its understanding. This had led to regulations and sitinctions between High Magic and Hedge Magic, and their places within Lyzantian society.

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