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Languages of Rhodain

Languages of Rhodain


Common Tongues

  Common - A basic tongue shared by most in Orzadama. With touches of Dwarven, Draconic and the dialects of the Progenus, it is widely believed that this shared language is a gift of the God Baalas.   Draconic - Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest languages and is often used in the study of magic. The language sounds harsh to most other creatures and includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants.   Dwarven - Dwarven is a bold language, blunt, guttural, and clipped. There is a clear slant to vowels and syllables where the accent often heads near the end of words and sentences and a lot of the use of the y (yeh) sound paired with consonants. These traits often find themselves leaking into any other language that Dwarves speak.   Enyal - Enyal is a more modern take on the Elhien language, changed over time as modern Elves incorporated words from other popular languages across Orzadama and along the sea routes. This language is brave, brash, and bold, full of passion and rolling letters off of your tongue.   Elhien - Elhien is fluid, with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Elhien literature is rich and varied, and their songs and poems are famous among other races. Many bards learn their language so they can add Elhien ballads to their repertoires. This is the classic traditional language of the Elves, spoken in the Feywild and in Cerza'Ghalthur.   Gnomish - Gnomish uses the Dwarvish script and is renowned for its technical treatises and its catalogs of knowledge about the natural world.   Halfling - Despite trying to keep the language as a carefully guarded secret for the sake of discussing trade amongst themselves, Halfling is one of the most popularly spoken languages in Orzadama next to Common and Dwarven. The language itself is rather musical, with soft sounds and gentle enunciation, some have compared it to Dwarven if all of the harsh sounds had been removed.   Kircian - The language spoken in the Kircian Dominion, Kircian is a language often said to sound sophisticated, meticulous, and passionate. Complex in its construction similarly to their inventions, Kircian is syllabus timed, which means that each syllable is given equal measure.   Malix - The Language of the Malico, Malix is a sort rolling language full of rolling r's and sounds that often are teased off the tongue. It also uses the use of symbols made with ones hands to create nuance and deeper context to the otherwise fairly basic dictionary of words.   Ursine - The language of the Ursine is one full of rumbles, growls, and groans. Their written language is a complex series of glyphs, symbols drawn into and over each other to express complexity.   Shevarran - The language spoken by the Shevarran and Braca in Shevarra. Shevarran has a good deal of gutteral sounds, and hard consonants between almost melodic syllables.    

Uncommon Tongues

Tval'Speak - Tval'Speak is often considered to be one of the most difficult languages for a nonnative speaker to learn. The reason for this is that the language is constructed out many different dialects brought together to create a single unified language for the tribes of T'val Vorten.   Abyssal - The language of demons, it is violence given form. Every word is an assault on your decency, sickening and uncomfortable for any mortal who encounters it.   Celestial - The language spoken by divine beings.   Choiran - Choiran uses a series of long rising wheeks, squeals, and chittering.   Sylvan - While many refer to this as the "language of the trees", this misconception comes from the actual native speakers of this language living deep in forests and woods. Sylvan is the language of the fae, pixies, sprites, fairies, changlings, and more. Very few in modern Orzadama know of this, as it has been a very long time since any of these beings have been sighted in the Material Plane.   Golean - Golean is a language that evolved from the ancient language of the Giants. It has lost the uvular fricatives that it's predecessor language help and no longer has the speaker sounding like they swallow their words. What is left is a language that is surprisingly beautiful in its structure.   Orcish - Orcish is often considered a very guttural language, harsh like the rocky caves that the Orc once called their homes. While this is not inaccurate, the language is also incredibly nuanced and when spoken slowly is considerably less aggressive to hear.   Rox - Perhaps one of the most unique known languages in Rhodain, Rox (spoken by the Kerox) is comprised of sounds made by harsh exhalation and pants, with different pants and exhalations standing in for syllables of words, put together into almost a sort of code to express thoughts and descriptors.   Lavion - Much of the Lavion language is very smooth and silky, mixed with growls, rumbling r's and uvular fricatives.   Loxan - Loxan uses soft rumbling vocals. It's incredibly difficult for non-native speakers to learn due to its use of sub-sonic sounds that most species cannot accurately hear. When spoken, Loxan can sometimes sound slow and slogging despite being quite a deep language.   Tauren - Spoken by Mintaur, Tauren is a language with a high vowel usage and a harmonious rhythm, though it is often spoken rapidly, rife with angry staccato of “T”s and “K”s and sparks of crackling “S”s.   Giant - Giant is a loud and thick language, wehich involves speaking deeply from your diaphragm and often sounds like swallowing your words along with regular use of uvular fricatives. Beneath that there is a sort of beauty in how sentences are constructed, usually using metaphors more than direct references.   Infernal - The language of devils, Infernal is soft and sweet, almost as though dipped in honey. The tone is melodic and almost entrancing.   Qilbane - Qilbane is the language of the Qiliban. Derived from Infernal though like the deserts that they call home the language has become coarse, adding hard consonants and slowing the pacing of speech, leaving it sounding a touch like distorted music.   Goblin - This language is fast and lacks syncategorematic words, with words slurring into each other.   Aqn- Aqn is the language of the Aqualean and sounds like crashing waves and rushing water.   Thieves' Cant - Thieves' cant is a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows messages to be hidden in seemingly normal conversation. Only a creature that knows thieves' cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.   Aun - Aun is the language of the Aurastus and sounds like blowing winds and breezes.   Igniz - Igniz is the language of the Igniz and sounds like the roaring and crackling sounds of a fire.   Tern -The language of the Terranite, Tern sounds like shifting and grinding earth

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