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"Peace through forcible order. The Gods are a blight, we cannot have peace until they are dead and forgotten."   Once pawns to the spiteful whims of the evil god Gallik, the Orcish were known as brutes, violent and thoughtless beyond the most simple of plans to torture and kill. Motivated by a divine bloodrage known as the Tarb'Ohom, Orcish bands razed small villages and plagued towns near where they chose to set up their dens, far more interesting in taking from those who have hunted and gathered than hunting and gathering for themselves. As such, no one paid much attention when the Orish invasions slowed and eventually ceased almost altogether. No one could have known what it meant, but far fewer could be bothered to care, as long as it meant that they were safe.   What few outside of their ranks came to learn was that one of their brethren, sick of being little more than a pawn in this gods hateful game of scorn had found a way to sever to bond between the Orc and their god, thus sating the previously insatiable bloodlust that plagued them for millennia. As time went on one would see an Orc here or there on occasion, but something was different. There had always been some among their ilk who fought back against their lust for blood and death and tried to prove their place in society, but now more emerged over time. proving themselves brilliant tacticians and fierce warriors, the few Orcish seen throughout Orzadama no longer seen as the bloodthirsty threats they once seemed to be.   This was far from the end of their story however, as the Orcish were united by the freedom that came with The Sating. Their god, the one who had breathed life into the first Orcs, had seen them as little more than a tool with which to cause widespread suffering and he was far from the only god to be so shallow and fickle as to create life simply to feed his own whims. The more this new breed of Orcs learned about the world around them and the connections between the living and their gods, the more they can to realize that many living things were, in essence, enslaved to the dated beliefs and values thrust upon them by beings who was wholly unaffected by their suffering, by their pain. So began The Orcish Marches.   The Orcish had been crafted initially to be efficient killing machines, and as such could sustain themselves on nearly anything as a source of food, undeterred by spoiled or rotten foods, the otherwise worthless parts of prey, or anything else their sharpened teeth could tear apart. As such they held a strong advantage in survivability, and they used this to take first the western deadlands and swamplands as their own, positioned carefully to prevent incoming threats before eventually sailing a great army south across The Unforgiving Sea. The Lavion had no idea what was coming for them until it was far too late. The Orcish paraded violently through their holy lands, desecrating their temples and slaughtering all who stood against them until eventually the entirety of Al'Arad Haba was theirs, the Lavion driven brutally from their home under the belief that salvation came only by denying the faithful their faith.   Now dubbed The Steel Marches, the far west of Orzadama is the homeland of the Orcish, a statement made against the faithful and those they prey to. Above all else the Orcish believe in this one truth: The only good god is a dead god.  


Age: Orcs reach adulthood at age 16, and live up to 80 years.   Size: Orcs are usually over 6 feet tall and weigh between 230 and 280 pounds. Your size is Medium.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.   Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Aggressive: As a bonus action, you can move up to your movement speed toward a hostile creature you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.   Primal Intuition: You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, and Survival.   Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.   Aggressive Metabolism: You have advantage on saving throws against poison and are immune to disease.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Orcish.

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