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The Scar

A deep crack in the earth almost perfectly centered in Orzadama. The story goes that the fall of the United Palushrok Empire began with the literal fall of the dwarven gods Orzic, though the specifics of what led to this are seemingly lost to time. there are many alive today who dismiss this as myth and superstition, though few offer a better explanation. The Rok'Rhozden revere this place as a holy site, with a temple constructed at it's edge, and most dwarves ensure that they make the pilgrimage out to this temple at least once in their lives. The Temple upkeep is maintained by an orginization known as The Order of the Cracked Earth, a religious sect of primarily dwarves who believe that one day, with enough worship, their StoneFather will once against rise from his tomb and rule over them again.

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