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Orking Around

General Summary

The group depart Phandalin heading North to the Triboar trail. Once on the rugged trail they travelled east towards Conyberry, stopping for breaks and rest overnight. With the days being quiet and uneventful and the Nights the same, Quimino and Arthur keep watch as they hear fighting and wolves in the Neverwinter woods to the North. The group arrive in Conney berry and decide to make-shift a shelter in a long abandoned ruining of what seemed to be a larger building. this time with a roof over their heads they sleep well despite the buzzing coming from outside...   The Group decide to get up early and head towards Old Owl Well. on their journey over a couple of larger hills which turned into more and more mountains in the distance of the direction they are headed, they ecounter a band of Orks.   The Orks seem to be a raiding party numbering 6 individuals, after quite some deliberation the group take the initiative and attack the Orks. using the Ridge to their advantage they easily dispatched the orks, Arthur shooting arrows over the ridge, Quiminor using spells to send them to sleep, Seraphina to steady aim and sneak attack, and Orsik running down the hill in a drunken furry that his beerskin had run out. after a convincing battle they intimidated an ork named Grom, a member of the Five Arrazz tribe to take them to his leader and hideout under Wyvern Tor.   After some discussion Seraphina assasinates the Ork sitting on a boulder keeping Guard before he has a chance to shout out, while Orsik slits Groms throat...

Missions/Quests Completed

Location of Wyvern Tor

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
10 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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