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Session Report - Chapter 3: The Timber Soakhouse

General Summary

Our story starts with the three adventurers standing outside the Oakholm Trackers Guild after being told by the Guild Master, Roderick Tuppance, that they could have the job to guard The Timber Soakhouse after the original guards did not show up for their briefing (see Session Report - Chapter 2: A Letter Arrives. The party was told to come back the next day for their briefing so they decided to travel back to Ironsmith Manor to get some rest and plan for their encounter with the Baron's agent, who they were supposed to meet at noon the following day. This plan was complicated somewhat by Mathias and Thyra's new companion Fitz, who had somehow replaced Nia.
  Upon reaching the manor, the trio retired to their rooms and early the next morning met in the lavishly decorated breakfast chambers to plan their next steps. During the night the chaotic gnome that had introduced herself as Fitz disappeared and Nia, who hadn't been seen since the previous night, reappeared confused and claiming she could not remember anything after the bar fight.
  With the deadline to meet the Baron's agent fast approaching, the party decided that their best bet to infiltrate the Timber Soakhouse before the meeting with the Baron's agent would be to disguise themselves as guards, as this would give them direct access to the building.
  Returning to the centre of town the party discovered that during the night Elysian Scents, the perfumery from which the party had retrieved a stolen perfume and knocked out the owner Lirelle Tong, had been burnt down and that the town guard had discovered a body. Rumour was spreading that a hooded figure had been spotted throwing something through the window of the shop in the early hours of the morning shortly before the blaze struck and that the guards were investigating this and a disturbance that had been reported the day before.
  Recognizing that the 'disturbance' likely referred to their misdeeds the previous day, the party headed to the Trackers Guild before anyone could ask them more questions. When the party arrived, they were briefed by the Guild Master on the job they had been hired to do. The Guild Master handed out coloured tokens and explained that their role was to guard the Timbet Soakhouse while it was renovating. He explained that the owner of the Soakhouse, Marcus Rutherford, wanted the guards to stay at their posts and not mingle with other guards. He had also insisted that all guards should carry clubs rather than any sharp weapons that they would normally carry.
  With this, the party headed over to Oakholm Outfitters to buy some clubs. Here they met with Gundrik Stonehammer who informed them that his apprentice Nathianal Pieweaver, whom the party had saved from the sewers the day before, was displaying a strange sort of fever. There was nothing the party could do in the meantime, however grateful that they had saved his apprentice's life, Gundrick offered to look after Nia and Thyra's equipment on the condition that they be back before sundown as he would be leaving to pick up some supplies that evening.
  With some time to kill before their shift started, the party decided to visit Oakwood Inn to see whether they could find out any information on who the Baron's agent might be and why the Timber Soakhouse was closed for construction. They did not learn much, however, whilst in the tavern the party broke up a fight between two patrons. The bartender grateful for their assistance in putting an end to the fight quickly offered to pay for their drinks for the day and told them they did not like to think highly of Marcus Rutherford, calling him a crook.
  Heading to the Timber Soakhouse, the party took up their positions as guards. Nia and Mathias were posted on the side entrance whilst Tyria was posted inside with another guard. After picking a locked door and slipping inside, the party quickly subdued the guard stationed with Tira and stashed him in a closet before infiltrating deeper into the bathhouse. The party quickly and ruthlessly dealt with the two remaining guards, killing them both before, Mathias who was struggling to control his blood lust after shifting into his bestial form, went back for the unconscious guard and killed them too.
  Having explored the entire soak house except for the garden the party decided to lay a trap for the Baron's agent. Little did they know that the agent was already waiting for them in the garden. Upon discovering that somebody was waiting in the garden Nia came up with a plan to disguise herself as Gromash, revealing to her companions that she was a changeling. Nia, disguised as a Gromash, and Matthias descended the stairs to the garden to meet with Baron's agent whilst Tira stayed up on the terrace above, after spotting some figures stationed there.
  Nia and Matthias quickly realised that the Baron's agent was none other than Kira Shar, the famous Bard who they had learned was supposed to be playing at the Red Stallion the night before. Kira Shar met with Nia and Mathias, who attempted to deceive her to gain information about the Baron. However this plan was quickly scuppered when Kira insulted Matthias and his people, the Avaloreans, goading him into attacking her and her retinue.
  The party surprised Kira in the ensuing battle, who was routed along with her bodyguard, escaping out of the garden. Bogged down by Kira's followers, the party were not quick enough to capture Kira and she slipped through their fingers. Not realising that Kira's followers were just brainwashed civilians, the party cut through the majority before they realised. It shocked Thyra to learn that one of these followers, who lay bleeding on the paving stones, was a young woman named Rosetta, who was the daughter of one of her father's servants.
  The party's plan now lay in shambles, their quarry was in the wind, their identities were known, and the blood of innocent civilians stained their weapons. And was that the sound of the town militia approaching...?
Report Date
10 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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