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"Rise my children, let us take revenge on those who killed your King and Queen. And we will not stop until every one of them is dead or begging for mercy"
Princess Riana Polaris



There are known to be at least 100 of these soldiers, although there might be more.


Apart from being soldiers of pure Lilite, they are dressed in Atlan gold armor and given Lilite weapons, such as spears and swords.


Queen Riana Polaris created the Lilyns during her conquest of the Rhosaya peninsula, ending the Rhosaya Republic, with the pure rage that filled her after the death of her family enough to give life to these Lilite beings. These one hundred soldiers marched with Riana and her army as the Rhosaya peninsula quickly fell into Polaris hands. After the capture of Rhosavelle these soldiers, along with Queen Riana, stayed within the city as the rest of her army fought the war against the Dayarin Empire. After the truce and formation of the Kingdom of Atla the capital of the newly formed Rhosaya district was moved to the new city of AnnonRose and the Atlan defenders were created. The Lilyns returned to Almne with Queen Riana where they still stand today, guarding the Polaris castle, standing as beacons to the Polaris family's power

Historical loyalties

The Lilyns are forever loyal to the Polaris Family. The Lilyns are only active within the proximity of a Polaris family member who possess the Polaris' Heaven's Glaze or Blush. Being made of pure Lilite these beings can only be used when the intention to use them is at its purest.
200 OK
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Lilyns cover
Zinnia Polaris commanding the Lilyn.
Though Zinnia Polaris is born half Rhydan, and thus is not nearly as powerful as her Forebearer ancestors, she still has the strength to command all one hundred of the Lilyn.


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