Chomper Scales

Article written by Jude
  Chompers, named by Angel, are a type of creature with very fine scales. These scales are so thin that if you hold just one in your hand, you could crush it easily. Together, however, they seem to distribute the force of anything that strikes a chomper to the point where it is nearly impossible to harm one through blunt force.   These scales, when harvested, are incredibly useful. They seem to be resistant to all sorts of rot and decay, remaining unchanged for as long as we've been able to observe them. We've taken to grinding these scales up into a sort of powder and then mixing it with water and a bit of clay to create a sort of paste. This paste dries oddly clear and works fantastically as a sort of finishing agent, keeping the wood of our structures safe from rot.  

Nico: Unless you use the paste on a log that's not completely dry. Then the water gets all trapped inside, and you have to rip down the house you have half finished because the damn thing is rotting at increasing speeds.

Mina: Or you don't wash your hands quick enough after using it and your fingers start feeling really weird, and you end up having to rip off some of the skin on your hands to get free.

Angel: Or you stick your feet into it for some unknown reason and suddenly your hands and feet match.

Mina: I only did that once!! The hands thing happened twice.

Jay: I don't think that's the defence you think it is.

  It is heavily advised to use some sort of protective covering over your skin while using the paste. Skin contact isn't deadly, but it is painful and can result in the loss of skin, as was noted in the commentary that we simply cannot resist adding to every single article, it seems. Strangely, Zokkia saliva can dissolve the paste when it's not quite finished setting. Unfortunately, the odds of getting Crystal to lick your hands for you is low.  

Crystal: It's more than low, it's not ever happening. Put on some damn gloves if you don't want to peel chunks of your skin off.

Cover image: by Daniel Frank


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