Corruption of Eden

Article written by Mina
  So, the whole 'end of the world' thing that Eden's Door was so worried about happening if someone other than them found the planet of Eden first. Quick background, Eden's Door is a cult that spends their time searching the cosmos for some perfect planet free of death and sin and all that good stuff. Okay, caught up now? Good.  
If Eden was found by some other group or person before Eden's Door finds it, the place would be corrupted. Death would start happening on the planet, there would no longer be anywhere in the entire universe that was free of sin. Overall, bad time. In fact, this is partly why the members of Eden's Door aren't supposed to go onto the planets they think might be Eden, because the only one holy enough to actually do that without fucking up the balance of the universe is the leader of Eden's Door himself. Classic cult shit.

Nico: So, when you said 'end of the world' did you just mean this one world, or...?

Mina: I'm getting there! Gods, none of you have any patience, huh?

Jude: The lack of self awareness in that comment...

Mina: I know, right?

Jude: I meant you.

Mina: You're supposed to be on my side, Jude!

  If Eden gets all corrupted, it will basically implode into this weird black hole. Don't know how a planet is supposed to become a black hole, but I guess holiness has extra mass or something. The black hole will then slowly grow and grow, devouring every single thing around it, growing bigger and bigger. Eventually the damn thing will suck up the entire universe and sort of force a reset on the whole thing with a new Big Bang. New universe is born, new chance for Eden's Door to not fuck it up.   Honestly, if this really was how the universe worked, that would be wild. One dude is given divine visions of what's to come if he doesn't find a planet before anyone else does and if he fails, god hits reset on the whole universe and tries again. It's like a fucked up video game. But when I dare to mention that to someone higher than me in the hierarchy, I get told that my purity has been clouded by my doubts and that the Darkness is speaking through me and have to be exorcized.  

Jude: It is kind of a weird sort of mythos for the universe. You aren't wrong to think that.

Mina: THANK you!

Cover image: by Daniel Frank


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