Ice Box

Article written by Jay
  Despite the name, the ice box does not contain any ice at all. It is named the way it is as some sort of human reference meant to amuse Jude, Mina and Angel. The name was suggested by Angel and even though I invented the device, I allowed her to give it a name.  

Crystal: Day two thousand and something. I am still trapped among a group of idiots. Though some of them seem reasonable at first, it quickly becomes clear that the males are under the thrall of the females. This is to be expected of Jay and Nico's species, I am told, but it remains irritating. Jude, who is human, has no excuse.

Mina: Genuinely think this is the funniest you've ever been. I mean it with my whole heart when I say, please keep this up.

Jude: Why are you throwing me under the bus, Crystal? This article is two sentences long so far and hasn't even mentioned me or Mina!

  The ice box is made up of four wooden sides, sealed in chomper scale paste and glued together with the same paste. A second, larger box is then constructed with the same method. Once both boxes are complete, gather as much snarlwolf fur as you can and press it into the larger box, leaving a hollow for the smaller box to be placed. Then, place the smaller box, making sure it is snug inside the larger box. Insert more snarlwolf fur around the edges of the box, making sure you've packed as much as you can into the space between the larger and smaller boxes.  
Once you cannot fit any more fur inside, you will take more wood, sealed with paste the same as the other wood, and attach it around the rim of the box, closing in the fur completely. Then, make sure the edges of the box are as smooth and even as you can make them. Once you've constructed the lid and the latch for the box, a simple enough task involving hinges and interlocking bits of bone, attach it so it can cover the side of the box left open. Your ice box is now complete.

Mina: I feel like your instructions could use some work.

Jay: The instructions are barely the point of the article. All the important parts are in there, the rest is easy enough to figure out.

Mina: I feel like the actual dimensions of one of these things is somewhat important, but fair enough, I guess.

  The snarlwolf fur has a sort of strange cooling effect. It is not unlike ice to the touch and will keep anything placed in your ice box at a stable temperature below freezing. Once you leave your completed ice box alone for two hours, it will then be ready to store whatever it is you need to keep cold. If you stick your hand in the middle of the ice box after this time, and it's not noticeably below the temperature outside the box, you have made your box too large and need to try again with a smaller box.  

Mina: Why are you making whoever finds this do trial and error with the ice box sizes?! Is this some form of riddle?

Jay: Fine. The largest ice box you can create and still have it be functional is three silkthrows by three silkthrows. I refuse to use your silly human measurements.

Mina: I mean, the odds of someone not having at least heard of the oltu silk system are pretty low, so this works fine.

Cover image: by Daniel Frank


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