Mule 2

Article written by Angel
  Mule 2, technically called mule 2: the sequel, due to circumstances outside of my control, is a hybrid animal. It is what happens when you cross-breed the thorny snapwhips with the bloblous, and thus looks nothing at all like a mule. Instead, it resembles a sort of slime puddle with five thorny tendrils waving around above the slime bit of the body. The tendrils are not nearly as sharp as those on a regular thorny snapwhip and the slime of the body doesn't seem to produce the same mild poison that the bloblous do.  

Jay: 'circumstances outside of my control' is a very interesting way of saying Mina suggested the name as a joke, and it made you laugh so hard you cried.

Angel: It's not my fault it was hilarious at the time. Honestly, it's still kind of funny now.

  We had theorized that the thorny snapwhip and the bloblous were more closely related species than it appeared, just based on how they're both mostly a living blob of slime that appears to be controlled by some sort of mild electrical current running through them. The differences mainly being that the bloblous is poisonous and the thorny snapwhip has those tendrils.    Sadly, the amount of electricity running through these creatures isn't enough for us to harvest any sort of power from them. The thorny snapwhips are a wonderful source of food, however. The tendrils can be harvested twice a month at the rate the creature grows them, and the slime can be carefully extracted as well. The experiment to cross-breed the bloblous and the thorny snapwhip began as a way to make the tendrils even a little easier to harvest and has been a wonderful success.   We haven't yet worked out just how safe it would be to eat Mule 2's slime, but if it proves to be edible, I think this will be one extremely handy creature to have around.

Cover image: by Daniel Frank


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