The Houses

Article written by Jude
The first set of houses we made were more like shacks and didn't last all that long, thanks to the Flood. The second set of houses we made were also shacks, but they were temporary on purpose, as we constructed buildings that we intended to last. It took over a year and plenty of trial and error before we had the houses we still live in now.

Angel: So much trial and error...gods, I thought we'd be living in those shacks forever.

Mina: I mean, if it wasn't for you, Jude, and Nico we probably would still be stuck in shacks. You three are building geniuses.

Angel: I don't know if I would go quite that far. We all did our parts!

Each house has three rooms and a fireplace. The first room, the largest, has seating, a table, and various personal items. This is, more or less, the combination living and dining room. You can use the fireplace to cook food as well, so I suppose it's also a kitchen in that way. The second room is smaller, it's more of a storage area. Clothes, food, weapons, and whatever else should be kept in a cool, dry place indoors is kept there. As well as whatever is convenient to just keep nearby. The third room is larger than the storage room and smaller than the main room, it's the bedroom. Mostly, there's just a large bed in that room, though Jay, Angel and Nico's home also has a small room off of the bedroom which serves as Ember's bedroom now that she's no longer a toddler.

Angel: I remember how excited she was to have her own room. It was so sweet.

Nico: And yet she spent nearly two weeks leaving her room to climb into bed with us in the middle of the night. Also sweet.

Mina: Aw, that's adorable!

Jay: Slightly less adorable when she just stands in her doorway, looking at us like something out of a horror film.

Angel: You're the only one who's ever even a little spooked by her when she does that.

Jay: I am not spooked by her, she is my daughter and not a demon from your concept of hell.

Angel: Also, she forgets to blink or breathe sometimes. You can find her a little spooky sometimes and still love her more than anything. I do.

  Each house also has a porch. And, behind ever house, is an outhouse. Due to the, shall we say, uneven distribution of people to houses, each house varies in size. Crystal's is the smallest as she lives alone, while Angel, Jay, Nico and Ember's house is the largest. Mina and my house is closer in size to Crystal's, though it is still noticeably smaller than hers. Crystal, Mina and I also do not mind if Angel, Jay, Nico or Ember need to use our outhouses if theirs is currently occupied.  

Mina: They might not be much when compared to the places we used to live in pre-crash, but they're home.

Crystal: Gods, I miss indoor plumbing, though.

Mina: Maybe we'll figure that out one day. I mean, I kind of doubt it. But maybe.

Cover image: by Daniel Frank


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