Outcast Wastes Geographic Location in Rigerion | World Anvil
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Outcast Wastes

The outcast wastes are located in the north east corner of Ecazarron within the country of Kernak. A vast expanse of snow and ice, this region is untamed, unclaimed, and unhospitable, even to the native Goliaths.


The outcast wastes are vast region of snowy tundra, consisting of low scrub and fields of barren ice plains. The west and south extremes of the region meet the sea with clashing waves and jagged cliffs.
Owning Organization

Kernak's Prison

The outcast wastes is known well across Kernak and within it's surrounding countries and is feared by those who prefer to live life less honestly. Officially speaking, no crime in Kernak carries the death penalty. Instead, those who commit the worst of crimes and are deserving of this fate get exiled into the outcast wastes. The guilty party is taken into the vastness in a route that twists and turns with no pattern, often for days at a time. The prison sled they are contained in is windowless to throw off any sense of overall direction or distance travelled. Once the guards, known as White Judges, are happy with their location, the prisoner is brought out of the sled, given some basic supplies, and abandoned to their fate. Whilst return to the the small settlements around the outside of the wastes is theoretically possible, the rate of returns numbers in the single figures per year, as most prisoners either die from exposure, or end up a victim of one of the violent inhabitants of the wastes.


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