First Steps

Welcome to the Verdant Isles campaign!

  During the beginnings of this campaign, we will be working together to make sure that everyone is ramped up and ready to go with their characters and their understanding of D&D. Sessions (quests) will be planned and scheduled through discord and finalized through World Anvil. I will update this and other methods of communication as we progress further into the campaign!   Now, to get to the game!   In the month of Craft in the 22nd year of the Twilit Era...   In the small town of Kilhear in the northern Jhorterran nation of Drakkengurt, you see a small office building next to a large three-story tavern. The skies are a light cerulean blue with swirls of purple and pinks intermingling with the clouds passing by. The smell of fresh rain washes away any other smells of the town. The soft light reflects off of a few puddles along the side of the cobblestone streets as you walk up to the door of this small office. On the door, through years of wear and tear, you still manage to make out the name of the business on the door.

Adventure Co.

You walk into the office with your boarding pass in hand. You sit down in the rough wooden chair as a young-looking 40-year-old white-haired human man walks in the door behind you and sits on the other side of the desk. He extends his hand out toward you with a smile. His hands wrapped in brawler's tape. "Hello newcomer! I'm Therivour Righst. Some people call me the head honcho here at Adventure Co." He glances over toward your hands. "Since you've got that..." He points to the boarding pass in your hand. "I'm guessing you know the good news. You've been chosen to go off to the Verdant Isles to help the efforts in settling this new land! Frankly, I'm jealous. If I left though, this place would fall apart." He chuckles to himself. "In Dawnghrest you will find a man named Rakesh Ghelritska. He will be your guide initially. There will be other specialists that we've sent to establish the initial settlement. You will want to be familiar with these names: Vren Malvierek, Delilah Grimhammer, Rakishi Ghelritska, and Fendlebris Namfoodl. These people, and others, will be your points of contact regarding the settlement of Dawnghrest and its needs." Therivour leans back in his chair and lets out a sigh. "Oh, and I'm also supposed to let you know that if you mess things up for us there..." He sits up straight and looks you in the eyes with a stern look. "We've got the okay to get the Black Hand involved. So please, just go get stinkin' rich and help out the people you meet there." He cracks another smile and hands a rolled-up paper over to you across the desk. He pulls out a quill and dips it in some ink before handing it over to you as well.   "As long as you don't have any questions, why don't you just go ahead and sign here on the dotted line?"

Plot points/Scenes

The voyage is filled with twilit skies and shifting tones as the waters are churning during the month of Twilight in the year 21 TE. Sometimes you can see lights shifting below the waters that illuminate parts of the ship, the horizon constantly shifts in color, and every once in awhile a colorful crackling storm can be seen in the distance. The captain is seen with a navigator using an array of instruments that help tell which direction you're heading even without the use of the stars.



The islands themselves present a number of threats, but the journey there during the month of Twilight is currently on your mind.
Plot type


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