Kleronomas Forge

Kleronomas Forge

Kleronomas was pulled from the endless war where he fought for the Stotfieldian Empire to be a Family guardian and train the first born sons in the ways of war and combat. After 2,178 years of this, a young master was raised who cared less about war and battle and showed more interest in nature and life and the existence of an immortal WarForged. The 2 set out on a Journey to explore the world and discover the meaning of life, and in the wilderness of Mafik, the young master lost his life... Without a home to return to or a master to serve. Joachim Kleronomas set out to the verdant Isles to see if this new land will be able to unlock the meaning of life.

WarForged family guardian passed down through the Generations, now without a family, trying to find the meaning of life.

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