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The Great Collision

Disaster / Destruction


As the Cherufe’s condition worsened, eventually the titan retreated from Rine to rest in the healing waters of Loorim. Without the titan’s presence to stabilize the world, the continents crashed back together in a singular worldwide cataclysm.

Each titan is responsible for stabilizing their respective “continent.” The Cherufe’s unique position in the center maintains the gravity of the planet, ensuring that the tenuous nature and position of each continent does not stray too far from its intended place (with assistance from the other titans above.) Without the Cherufe to stabilize this process, the molten core roiled, and the suspended pieces of the world crashed back together around it. The collision created worldwide catastrophic earthquakes and landslides. Chaga and Weyoke in particular suffered particularly hard, the rocking from the collision of one affecting the other until the surfaces of both continents seemed to collapse in on themselves, creating massive sinkholes. A crack formed in the precious basin of the Crystal Sea, and about half of the ocean’s waters sizzled into the planet’s core to boil away.

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