Curses Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ring of Time (Oddysyria) | World Anvil
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Curses are Mana corrupted into negative energy targeted towards an individual, a place, a thing or an idea. Curses are made through the consious or unconsious wishing of something negative. The most frequent form of a curse is the limitations put on magic that increase the potency. Since curses are negative energy, the limitations amplify the power of the cast exponentially.  

Curse Relation to Mana

Mana can also be converted directly into negative energy, but curses cannot be stored in the individual, as it is inherently harmful to beings of Mana. Only cursed creatures and magical artifacts can store curses.  

Anatomy of a Curse

Curses can be cast on individuals, groups of people, or even entire nations. They can be applied to anything, as long as they have similar defining characteristics. Curses that have ben cast on an individual are fairly easy to take apart, in its incubation period. The negative energy weaves itself around the Anima of the subject, constantly spinning, and creating 'threads' that tie up into knots the longer it is being cast. After an incubation period, it is almost impossible to remove a curse, and a subject will be forced deal with its consequences, until the end of their life, and even further. If a curse is not overly specific (ie. a body transformation curse, werewolves, etc), or if the curse mentions a bloodline, it will definitely be passed down to offspring.  

Cursed Creatures

Curses can also take a physical form or body, in the same way that mana can be shaped into matter. Sentient creatures can be born out of curses, but these creatures are often born with heavy limitations and generally do not grow past their primitive impulses. Cursed Creatures can be intelligent, but they will always be driven by their malevolent nature, being destructive to all kinds of order, and following selfish desires. These creatures have a major disadvantage, however, with this limitation comes great strength. And if left unchecked, the cursed creature will continue to grow as any sentient being.  

Curses/Mana After Death

Residual Mana exists after death, and slowly fades away, as time passes. However, there are certain conditions that allow Mana to be used after death, like deeply unresolved emotions or conditions in a technique used before death. There are also pacts that creatures make, between their Anima, which allows them to create binding bonds with other creatures. An example of this is gods giving their mana to mortals as an investment that would be cultivated and returned to the source after death.  

Binding Bonds

Once Mana is used to create a binding bond, the subject can not depart from this bond until death. This is because the subject has to willingly enter into the deal, and it is bound directly to the Anima of the subject. Binding bonds are only limited to the user, since it is contingent on a consentual deal. An example of this would be the bond given to the god Cygnus. Her bond is that of music, prayer and chastity. Those sworn to Cygnus, in exchange for her power of light and music, will need to obey her binding laws, which means that they must preserve the gospel of the gods in song, they most engage in prayer, and must be chaste until the end of their life. If a subject breaks a vow, their soul will proceed to be tarnished, with various consequences that will last until death. For Cygnus, her followers will lose one of the following: Their hearing, their speech or their fertility. The connection to Cygnus will forever be severed, and a drain of the Mana debt owed will be taken.    

Counter Measures

  • It is very weak in the beginning, as it begins converts the subject's mana and the mana around the subject into negative energy, like a parasite. In its early stages, a curse cast on an individual can be quickly purged if noticed.
  • If a curse has been left unnoticed for a while, a master healer might take some time to undo the 'knots' made by the curse. This takes time, and there is no telling when a curse's effects start to take place*
  • *Except for with special abilities.  
  • A curse can also be deactivated by killing its caster before the curse activates, since it is still mostly mana from the caster.
  • Once a curse has been activated, there is no stopping it. The effects of the curse will start to take place, and the subject can try again to prevent the curse from casting its effects. Bright Light magic and purging techniques can be effective against low level curses, but higher level curses may need direct influence from divine power, or else the victim will suffer that curse for eternity.
  • Curses can be passed down genetically, as the Anima structure has been altered. It is not definite, but it can happen. The probability increases if 2 cursed individuals conceive a child.
  • Type
    Metaphysical, Arcane

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    Dec 20, 2021 18:12

    A good article! You open a lot of interesting doors here with how curses work. They can be passed down via offspring? Curses can spawn creatures, or manifest as one? I might have to use this as inspiration for something.... Thank you!

    Dec 22, 2021 07:37

    Yup! Depending on the nature of a curse, it can be passed down to offspring. If a curse is not overly specific (ie. a body transformation curse, werewolves, etc), or mentions a bloodline, it will definitely be passed down to offspring.