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Kingdom of Hest

Solemn, storied, and earnest to a fault, the people who call Hest home have very little time for outsiders and adventurers. Hest is the second oldest continuous nation in the World, behind Balveda, and takes great pride in their history and legacy. Almost everyone you meet can tell you about their ancestors, and probably lives in the same house too. They were perfectly content with their lives until Carassia invaded, and flipped their world on end.   

A Kingdom Besieged

The quiet Kingdom of Hest went about its business peacefully and without causing issues to other regions. At least, those were the wishes of the monarchy and the majority of the region's population. They were fine on their own, thank you very much. News of another government collapse in Carassia were unsurprising to Hest's aged king, who has read all histories he can get his hands on. The new Empire invading Lusia's island holdings was slightly surprising. Carassian forces arriving on the shores of Hest's largest islands and burning villages to the ground; that was something the king wasn't prepared for. The military was rallied immediately, but by the time they arrived, the bulk of Carassia's forces had too, and was pushing further inland. The war has raged for nearly a year now, and Hest has done what they can to hold back the military might of Carassia.   

Old Lands

Hest is built on legacy and tradition. The ancient monarchy has continued for thousands of years, in a direct line to the king who rules today, and his eldest child will take over after his death. This is the way it's been done, so it's the way it will continue to be done. Speak with city folk, they'll tell you how their ancestors built the home they live in with their hands, and they're still running the same business out of the first floor that a great-great-grandparent started. Talk to folk in the towns and villages, and they're farming the same ancestral lands and living in the same stone and timber homes. Some claim to be continuing a line of ancient grains or crops cultivated nowhere else in the World, but this may simply be a sales tactic. Foreigners are seen as lesser due to their lack of heritage, but those who can claim Hestan ancestry will be welcomed "home" with open arms.  

Ancestral Loss


Notable Places:

  • Aracor:
  • Garraton:
  • Saida:
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Controlled Territories


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