Rise Of Mankind

For the civilized races of the galaxy, the coming war with the Oracan brings the end of all they know, unable to reason with them, the decision was made by the council to rise up a counter to the uncivilized brutes.   Mana would be injected artifically into a world that lay in the Great Void, raising its inhabitants to a level that they could either face the incoming hordes and hopefully defeat them, or much more likely, simply earn their betters some time to flee.   The first stage of the process involved unleashing mana into the world, bringing about the birth of mana twisted abominations to fuel the growth of the local creatures. Even the likely increase in corrupted mana and the sick and twisted mutations that could be birthed from it were taken into account with the creation of dedicated dungeons.   these dungeons would act as both purification sites for the mana, and opportunities for training for the local inhabitants. Specialist fairies were created and trained, ready to guide the dungeons, and eventually, to teach thenext generations to take their place in the wider galaxy, should they survive long enough.   The only thing they didn't take into account? Humans don't play well with others...   Its time for the Rise of Mankind.