Black Fens Geographic Location in Rise of the Bloody Hand | World Anvil
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Black Fens

The wilderness between the cities of Grakis (be assured, there is quite a bit of it), called collectively the Black Fens, is an expanse of swamps and marshland in which dwell the Barma-speakers who claim primacy as well as many other foul monsters that battle with them for territory. The few roads in Grakis are raised up as causeways and bridges over the swampy land, but travel along them can still be dangerous.  

The Wispbane

  A few plucky survivalists have formed a loose organization of guides and mercenaries, called Wispbane, who make it their trade to keep travelers safe between towns. Among them are magic-users specializing in keeping the wild beasts and savage monsters of the fens at bay. Wispbane’s price is high, but travel is too dangerous without them, as monsters will not hesitate to attack travelers who are unprotected. Still, many merchants who caravan from one city to another in Grakis often bring their own protection, and more still are lost to the dangers of the Fens. Some of Wispbane dedicate their lives to hunting down the horrors that dwell within; not many of these men live more than a year or two upon taking up this cause. It is quite common for boys who failed their First Trials to enter the Ebon Thorn to wind up in Wispbane. Those who don’t find a Wispbane guide or a Barma-speaker are found by the monsters.  

After the Battle of Angrath

  Wispbane experiences a surge in both support and popularity as a vital organization that keeps the roads safe. The Bloody Hand, having a keen interest in keeping his new domain safe for trade and travel, fully funds the organization and encourages recruitment amongst the previously dispossessed refugees of the war, giving them purpose that doesn't necessarily require them to directly serve the Hand. With the increased activity of the Beast of the Fens, this support is timely and necessary.

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