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Attacking the Farmstead

General Summary

The evening started with the group split in two, Tetsuo and Shalelu Andosana running back to where they found Kibb, while Vindu, Burok and Smooppy all stayed in the carriage with Kibb.   After some discussion amongst the three and Kibb (through Smooppy's use of speak with animals) they decided to turn around to help the other two, only to arrive and find that Tetsuo, with a little help from Shalelu have finished off 3 dogs, and one orge-like monster, who had a deformed finger like hand. Additionally 2 other dogs are running away through the woods. After looting the body of dead creature everyone followed the dogs and Kibb through the woods until they came across a clearing in the woods that looked more decrepit and almost unhealthy compared to the other areas.   Following a bigger path the group tried to sneak their way into the farm, unfortunately they were not successful and the tall lumbering orgekin spotted them and approached, preparing to attack, he went down in a few shots, Dorious getting the final shot and nearly tearing him apart. During this battle Smooppy also summoned a rain of poisonous frogs that the group needed to run from, and the rhino Vindu summoned allowed itself to be their secondary target.    Deciding they would clear the barn before approaching the house the group prepared for combat before opening the down, surprising those inside, who were upset to be distracted from their work at the still. Finding three more orgekin and the two dogs who'd ran away in the forest the fight started instantly, one of the boys going down before he even had the chance to react to being targets, another being charmed into avoiding the combat and the third watching has his brothers were harmed in front of him.   Vindu decided to create bones for the dogs to play with, successfully pacifying one of them, while the other was attacking Smooppy. Dorious used this chance to try to get the one dog to become more welcoming to them, succeeding to make this dog indifferent.   The charmed orgekin boy decided that he would going to try to leave the barn, provoking AOO's from Burok, Tetsuo, and Mini Vindu. Mini Vindu did really well in his attack, falling short on the damage however meant he did not get the killing bite but did knock out the beast. This allowed Tetsuo to get the final blow, and overkill by more than just a little.    
The night ended here and we will return to loot these orgekin before exploring more.

Character(s) interacted with

Shalelu Andosana and Kibb are the only two characters the PC's interacted with and did not fight.


Some additional out of character quotes include: 
  • "your like a cop that plants a gun after the guys dead" in response to character saying that the dogs attacked first, so that Vindu wouldn't get mad about killing dogs. 
  • "Gallant Griffon gets a pet-pet" as a reaction to the successful attitude change.
  • The conversation about god/DM swearing when were are 'kids' present, then saying the teen should swear more. 
Report Date
18 Sep 2021


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