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The champion approaches the large iron doors to Ferragorran's temple. He is unsure that he is ready, but assures himself in his feats. He remembers the monsters he's slain, the teams of people he has taken on alone, and the numerous other feats of strength and courage performed. Yet, he is unsure if it's quite enough for a god like the Ferragorran. He pushes against the large doors, struggling slightly to push them open. The heat from the god's form beats against him. The light sears his eyes. His doubts raise as he presses forward.   He reaches the base of the god's throne. She has not moved since he entered the room, peering deeply into some scrying orb of unknown substance. The man kneels, and bellows out to the god. He asks for the power to protect his against the invading army. The god turns to face the man, as he lets slip a smile. Had he not been worthy, she would not have even lifted a finger...   Ferragorran is the visage of raw power. Those who need might or strength, in the truest sense of the words, seek an audience with Ferragorran. She is quick to grant more power to those worthy, or those who she thinks will do the most with it. She expects to be treated with entertaining displays using your newfound power, should she choose to gift you.   Ferragorran typically appears as a large humanoid made entirely of molten rock, though she has no prominent domain over lava. When visited, she typically appears as a large and looming figure, seated upon a marble throne. She acts disinterested, almost dismissive, of those who seek hear audience unless they can provide a suitable offering or entertainment for her.

Divine Domains

Ferragorran is the god of Raw Power.

Holy Books & Codes

War Artistry
Divine Classification
unknown, covered by her molten helm
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
orange and black

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Articles under Ferragorran


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