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It all began with zombies. God I miss those times. How did they even overran us is beyond me, but society fell pretty quickly, just like in the movies. It crumbled like a house of cards, leaving humanity in the rubbles. But this much was manageable, we were about to rise again from the catastrophe when the second wave hit.


Legions from hell, winged demons and monsters swarmed into the lands, bringing death and desolation to the scarred survivors. It took less than a day for the tentative communications to be shut down again. We have given up hope, too heavy of a burden in those trying times.


I heard that somewhere, a city stands strong, protected by a hero that ascended by stealing the power of an archfiend. Risenhall, the name is. A cage large as a small city and high as the clouds, whose inhabitants are kept safe by their overwhelming guardian.