Vurdol Fallenore Character in Rising Seas | World Anvil

Vurdol Fallenore

Brief History

Not a huge amount is known about Vurdol, he doesn't talk about himself much. He was sent by the Empire twelve years ago to oversee the building of the new docks and then assume the position of harbourmaster. In this time he has proven himself to be very capable at his job, and has gained the respect of dockworker and Ship Captain alike. A few have tried to get to know him better, but although a polite and congenial fellow, he hasn't been inclined to make any close friends or reveal much about his background.  


Vurdol is a short and skinny human male, with pale skin. His dirty blonde hair is thin but he always wears it combed neatly. In fact everything about Vurdol is neat, from his neatly pressed shirts and trousers, to his carefly folded handkerchief and polished boots. His trousers are held up with a pair of suspenders, and he wears a long woolen coat no matter what the weather is like. A pair of large spectacles sit on his long hooked nose above thin lips.  

Personality and Traits

Known for being precise in both action and speech, Vurdol is a man who likes to see things done right. This doesn't mean he is finnicky, more that he knows how something should be and can get it done in the most effecient manner. He walks with a slight stoop, and speaks in a quiet voice, until he out on the docks, then he can bellow like the best of them. He has gained the respect of those who know him, from being an honourable and fair man.
Current Residence
pale blue
dirty blonde, thin but neat
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
5' 5"

Cover image: by cocoparisienne


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