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Post-Great Flood History
Isocos is a large island to the northeast of the continent. It was once connected to the continent by the Omgan Peninsula, but it was separated after the Great Flood. Afterward, it was impossible to reach Isocos due to the constant storms surrounding the island. The people remained in isolation for 500 years, further developing their culture and civilization. In the Year 500 of the Dragonlord Era, a dragonlord from Skales by the name of Agnar Fritov broke through the storm, along with a fleet of ships. He proceeded to use his fire wyvern, Aldebrand, to subjegate the Isocan people, who could not fight back against the overwhelming power of a dragon. Despite their disadvantages, the people of Isocos continued to resist. Agnar Fritov only ever managed to conquer the western side of the island, as the eastern side was mostly swampland that the Skaleans had no interest in. This land became the headquarters of the resistance. In the year 508, a small western resistance stowed a young girl onto an outbound Skalean ship in the hopes that she could get them foreign aid. This girl was the first person to leave Isocos since the Great Flood. Her name was Juvela Rovas, and she was 13 at the time. She was adopted by the Ohvesen Duchess Abigale Aveson, who allowed her to participate in their dragonlord academy. Juvela did not succeed in becoming a dragonlord in Ohvesen, and when she was to return to Isocos 5 years later, she encountered the new king of the sea serpents. He entrusted her with his dragon pearl and pledged to help her kill Agnar Fritov, so Juvela returned to Isocos as a dragonlord. With her power, the resistance was quickly able to take back their island, though things were still tumultuous due to the 15 years of oppression. Juvela delcared herself the new queen of Isocos and an old monestary fortress city to be the new Isocan capital. Deligates of most countries journied there to witness her coronation. Using her power, Juvela reformed her country and worked tirelessly to reconnect Isocos to the mainland. After her death, her six heirs split her power among them so that Isocos would not be a monarchy, as was Juvela's dying wish. They named the city after her, and it was eventually known as Juvikaio.
Pre-Great Flood History
The land that came to be known as Isocos was colonized by a group of people known as the Isomgans during Year -1750 of the Advent Era. These people were primarily fishers that took advantage of the Omgan isthmus's plentiful oceanic resources. They established a trading network with other early empires, reaching far to the north and south of the continent's east coast in their prime. After Year -1500 of the Dark Era, not much is known about any of the early empires. During that era, Isomga separated into Omga and Isocos, inhabiting the isthmus and what would eventually be the west side of the island respectivly. These two peoples shared similar cultures and languages, but considered themselves to be seperate countries (i.e. Spain and Portugal). In the Renewal Era (years -1000 to -500), Omga established itself as quite the powerhouse, spreading its influence into the mainland up the Fontano River. The competed heavily with the other regional powerhouse, Ohava, for resources, and occassionally fought back raiding parties from the aggressive but small people of Sogen. Isocos continued the same as they always had, though they notably built many monestaries during this time. These massive stone structures were built over generations and meant to house anywhere from thirty to a hundred people. They were hallowed places, meant to honor the family lineage known as a Sancro, as well as house future generations. Those monestaries came in useful after Year -500 of the Emergence Era, as Omga began to invade Isocos. They worked well as forts to keep the Omgans out. The Omgans were pushed to invade by their Sogen, which had become steadily more powerful over the years and threatened their lands. The Omgans needed more power in order to resist. The Sogen managed to conquer most of Omga by the time that Year 0 rolled around, though their efforts drowned in the Great Flood. The entierity of Omga was submerged beneath the waves, and much of low lying Isocos was as well. All surviving Omgans were completely assimilated by the Sogen, and Isocos was thought lost to history.
  • Cultures -- Isocos Highland, Isocos Lowlands
  • Dragons -- Sea Serpents
  • Language -- Isocan, Skalean
  • Religion -- Sancro
Notable Families (Sancros)
  • Rovas -- The Sancro of the famous "Queen of Isocos", one of the most prestigious and beloved Sancros in Isocos's history
  • Farazad -- An Omgan Sancro that died out after the Great Flood, but due to Juvela Rovas's influence, it continued to be called upon by varous authors and scholars
  • Kavoloro -- An ancient Sancro that protected a monestary since before the Great Flood. The monestary they protected would eventually become the capital of Isocos, and as such, they are called upon by the inhabitants of Juvikaio
Geopolitical, Country
Notable People
  • Juvela Rovas -- The "Queen of Isocos", a dragonlord who freed Isocos from Skalean control and reconnected them with the mainland
  • Safira Floralo -- An Oracale who could channel the departed, she guided Juvela and the resistance
  • Sonde Kron -- Skalean-born Isocan who was pivotal in Isocos gaining independance
  • Orabela Komerto -- Childhood friend of Juvela who worked as a spy during the war for independance

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