Agrian League

The Agrian League is a confederation of theocratic, expansionist, majority-Vastaya nation-states and city-states in the Shardscape realm of Rhaddin's Rest. Although the League, and by extension its member states, are ostensibly independent and autonomous, ultimately it is an open secret that they serve as the proxies of the Astarian vitian of the Astarum, carrying out the will and agenda of these powerful celestial fey in their bid to conquer and impose their sense of order upon all of Rhaddin's Rest.   Like the Astarian vitian they worship as their living gods, the member states of the Agrian League value strict social hierarchy. "Every star has its place and purpose in the heavens, and so too does every man upon the face of the earth," is an oft-repeated phrase. In the Agrian League, social mobility is almost non-existent. Outside of a handful of exceptional examples, people are sorted into the various strata of Agrian society by the circumstances of their birth and largely stay in their lane for life. While upward social mobility is a privilege reserved only for the most fortunate, few safety nets exist to prevent downward social mobility. Falls from grace are well-represented in the folklore of the League, often serving as moral lessons for the general populace.   The more liberal, egalitarian societies of Rhaddin's Rest are therefore viewed by the Agrian League as a moral affront. The ideas that flow out of the Undercity, Berenok, in particular are seen as a form of moral corruption that must be mercilessly stamped out lest they rot the very foundations of society. This is the impetus for the League's genocidal campaign against the ethnic minorities of Rhaddin's Rest. The League seeks to impose its idea of social order upon the entire realm to stave off the corrupting influence of other, more liberal societies.
Political, Confederation


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