Rankled Raven

The Rankled Raven is an inn by the Mudtracks of the Emberholt. It is an unremarkable building, though the innkeeper Kezrimstukhtanmadhariyesh is known to be a particularly affable fellow. Indeed, the Rankled Raven would be an obscure establishment unlikely to be mentioned in the histories were it not for two things: first and perhaps foremost in tourists' minds, the Rankled Raven played host to the founding members of the Wardens of the Wayward on more than one occasion during the campaign of the Unkent, Volugar, Thrice-Crowned.   The second is a matter that the common person is unlikely to find particularly interesting, namely, that the inn is the residence of the erstwhile inner council member of the Astarum, Agarem. Though visitors to the inn tend to gawk at the beautifully androgynous fey often found sitting at their own table in the corner of the inn's common room, few ever appreciate the extent to which that single person has influenced the course of events. This is by design as Agarem goes to great lengths to hide his presence at the Rankled Raven from the very people who know the extent of their power and influence.   The relative obscurity of the Rankled Raven suits Agarem just fine. After the events that led to their departure from Rhaddin's Rest, they somehow stumbled into the little out-of-the-way inn. Needing a place to stay where little more would be demanded of them than coin, Agarem chose to stay at the Rankled Raven and quickly developed a fondness for the establishment. Although quiet on most days, enough foot traffic crosses the threshold of the Rankled Raven that there's a constant, low hum of life in the common room. This, as far as Agarem is concerned, is the perfect balance between their need for distance from the chaos of politics and their fondness for being around people.


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