
The Trokasdazcya, "Mountain Guards" in Dryzhky, are a group of trained guards and rangers tasked with enforcing Ztavayë taboo against climbing the slopes of the Bazhivy Troka—the "Crone's Mountain." Although they are headquartered in the city of Milasz, they are a force under the joint administration of the three major cities on the banks of Rozhivy Nivoc, the "Old Man's Lake": Milasz, Trayka, and Daryat.   As enforcers of the ban on climbing the Crone's Mountain, the Trokasdazcya are in charge of protecting and maintaining a cordon around the foothills of the mountain. With little to no infrastructure along the cordon besides watch stations spaced roughly two miles apart, all mountain guards must be able to navigate and survive the wilderness of Ztavsk. Although watch stations are kept stocked as best as they can be, fresh supplies are delivered primarily through shift changes, with new guards carrying new supplies.   While they occur occasionally, supply runs to individual stations between shift changes are rare, difficult, and expensive so Trokasdazcya are trained not to rely on them except in cases of extreme need. As such, rangers are expected to know how to supplement their foodstocks, medicine, and freshwater supplies during the course of their assignment. For this reason, they are required to have an encylopedic knowledge of the local flora and fauna, with supplementary training provided for the specific region of their assigned station in the lead-up] to their deployment.   In the event of an emergency, Trokasdazcya at a station can rely only on themselves. The grim reality of most watch stations' remoteness is that the soonest assistance can arrive in an emergency situation is just under an hour, and that this backup, if it comes, will consist of at most half a dozen individuals from the neighboring watch stations. Any more significant reinforcements, especially from headquarters, are unlikely to reach them to render aid for hours to days depending on how deep into the wilderness the stations are.   Consequently, good threat assessment is one of the skills that is repeatedly and exhaustively drilled into rangers during their training. Some of the most grueling weeks of Trokasdazcyë boot camp are the ones that teach prospective guards how to deal with the biggest threats that they can expect during their tenure: forest fires, aggressive animals, and extreme weather. It is during this time, dubbed "Hell Season" by the trainees, that the ranks of prospectives are thinned out the most. Hell Season culminates in a no-win scenario that is designed to teach prospective Trokasdazcya that in the event of an insurmountable threat to life or limb, the correct response to the situation would be to abandon one's assigned watch station. Trainees that are unable to abandon their post out of a sense of duty or stubbornness are quietly relegated to logistics roles or assignments at stations close to civilization.


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Aug 12, 2024 14:51 by Marjorie Ariel

Ooh, I like the "Hell Week" scenario, and the fact that they specifically want people who are willing to leave their posts to save their own lives.