
Valathir, also known as the Gentleman of Twilight, is the beradienil god of wisdom, the hunt, and wanderlust and is one of a number of gods of war. Despite being a figure of considerable importance in the pantheon, he is known to not demand worship and veneration in shrines or temples like the other of his kind as he finds the prospect to be distasteful. Consequently, Valathir has no formal clergy or order of devotees. Instead, he embraces all beradiena who indulge their desire to explore the world, seek wisdom, and pursue knowledge as his children.   As a result, Valathir is one of the more rarely worshiped of beradienil gods. He does not mind. He is satisfied to have only a handful of true followers as he considers himself a patron to all adventurers, even those who journey in the name of another god. He accepts every step that they take in the pursuit of wisdom and their own goals to be an act of worship.   Despite having only a small number of true devotees, Valathir does not often communicate to or intervene in the lives of his followers. When asked for help or guidance, he is more likely to give directions that would lead followers on a path that would eventually answer their questions instead of providing answers himself. On the rare occasion that he does have a direct hand in the lives of his followers, it is often the result of a grave injustice that has offended his strong sense of righteousness.   As a Begotten God that does not gorge himself on the worship of his people, Valathir is relatively weaker than his more gluttonous kin. In exchange, however, he is one of only a handful of begotten gods that can travel freely to the Material Realm. The trade-off is well worth it to Valathir as it allows him to explore the Material Realm and attempt to delve into its secrets, which would not be possible if his existence as a god were any stronger.


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Aug 15, 2023 22:21 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article. Thanks for entering the category. :D Much success with the writing! <3