
The Wyrlecc are a chimeric species first contrived by an entity known as the Fleshweaver, stitching together elements of erián, piscine, and alossi centhiri biology in a tremendous feat of primal and blood magic. Although the first generation of wyrlecc were quite unintelligent and little more useful than cannon fodder, a few remarkable specimens exhibited a level of intelligence nearing sapience.   The Fleshweaver only directly managed the first handful of wyrlecc generations, each time breeding specimens with the intention of increasing their intelligence. It was at this point that the wyrlecc's incredible adaptability and capacity for evolving higher functions first manifested. Eventually, the wyrlecc were capable enough to manage their own breeding programs and the creation of base genetic stock through the same magics that the Fleshweaver used.   Since the Fleshweaver's defeat, the wyrlecc have spread throughout the Shardscape, even into realms where they should have ostensibly perished. The tools that they inherited from the Fleshweaver, however, combined with the incredible ingenuity of their brightest individuals have proven an asset in securing their survival wherever they find themselves. Their unique adaptability and the speed at which they evolve to suit their environment has resulted in the development of a large number of distinct lineages suited to a variety of locales.   These wyrlecc have also continued their breeding programs, increasing the overall intelligence of their species while also incorporating useful biological stock and features from other species into their bloodlines. Although initially seen as little more than a nuisance, they are quickly becoming influential players on the political landscape wherever they might be found.


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