
Ztavsk is a tiny Shardscape realm adjacent to Rhaddin's Rest. It is home to refugees, exiles, and displaced peoples from Rhaddin's Rest. A natural fortress due to the relative lack of traversable connections between it and other Shardscape realms, it is nevertheless a place of minimal strategic importance owing to its relative remoteness and lack of economic development.


The geographical extent of Ztavsk is relatively limited, at approximately 2600km2, compared to most other Shardscape realms. Besides the lack of traversable connections to other realms, Ztavsk is surrounded on all sides by tall mountains, with civilization primarily concentrated in the foothills and valleys of the realm, leaving few viable angles for an external force to attack from.   The mountains around the realm are navigable, with considerable effort, but all that lies beyond them are the Shardscape Wilds. Although one might be able to see quite some ways into the distance from the peak of one of the border mountains, those regions are unreachable by any known method of travel. A short distance away from the base of the mountains surrounding the borders of Ztavsk is a hard boundary. A traveler moving through this part of the plane would be looking out into the distance of Ztavsk one moment, only to find themselves in the Shardscape Wilds the next.   There is no consensus among experts on whether those distant regions truly exist in a meaningful sense or if they are simply an illusion to hide the hard border of the realm. Many efforts have been made to reach the lands beyond the other side of the mountain but they all end in the same way: explorers finding themselves in the Shardscape Wilds after crossing the external border of Ztavsk.
Dimensional plane


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