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Wylfhar Tanner (Why - El - Fire Tan - Ner)

As a half-Elf, Wylfhar is somewhere in his hundreds by now. He also has not seen his family in hundreds of years, having chosen the Intergalactic Cerilian Empire to live in the borders of while they live within the borders of the Void-Blood Alliance. This puts them on opposing sides of any war that breaks out between the two over the years, which there have been many of. The only exception to the family being on the other side is Synn Tanner, who is his wife and has chosen to follow him to the Cerilian Empire.   Wylfhar joined the Living Weapons for one, to ruin the plans of Virus Nightshade. He was handsomely paid by Charon of STYX to stop being a smuggler and join the Cerilian Black Water Navy. With the specific goal of getting involved in the Living Weapon program so that Charon of STYX could find them and ruin the plans of his longtime rival, Virus Nightshade. Charon also smuggled to Wylfhar a serum to counter some of the conditioning the Living Weapons were going through. The job was simple enough, but what Wylfhar did not plan on was how long it would take the Codebreaker to free the Living Weapons.   He has since remained loyal to Mindy Road after gaining his freedom.



Squad Code Number:



Squad Code Name:

Bloody Orchids


Members of Bloody Orchids:

Black Cat
Poison Dagger
Blood Wolf
HQ Netta


Living Weapon Name :

Poison Dagger

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Character Portrait image: by Jordan Taylor


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