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RoE Game Mechanics: Pet Acquisition Introduction and Care

From the small and scurrying, to towering titans that dominate the wastes, the lands of Elysium are teeming with creatures, most of which can be tamed and used to help aid in your survival. Uses for tamed animals include riding, item transportation, hunting, resource production, and defending property when you're away.


Domestication is the process of converting wild creatures into useful beasts of burden for the player's benefit, be it for work or for simply the act of companionship. Domesticated creatures have many different advantages that make life easier on Elysium. Some creatures allow the player to harvest resources more efficiently than the player can by hand, while others can transport huge amounts of goods or deal enough damage to enemies. However, before a creature is domesticated, it must first be tamed. Additionally, some creatures require a saddle to reach their full potential. Lupin III: Road’s of Elysium is all about taming, and with taming mechanic’s reminiscent of ARK Survival Evolved and Red Dead Redemption 2’s ability to tame horses, each creature within the world of Elysium has its own unique set of traits and characteristics for a plethora of new friends a player can potentially acquire throughout their experience in the world.   With some minor exceptions of course.  

Choosing a Tame

Tames in Roads of Elysium are the main form of transport next to walking or Fast-traveling. Many tames can be captured and broken out in the wild, but some can be also purchased from stables or be acquired by more underhanded means such as murdering NPC's who might already own them. In the end, your mount is your constant companion, and you will rely on them just as heavily as on any of your fellow gang members so it is important to take good care of your animal.   However, before a creature is domesticated, it must first be tamed!  
The Spyglass is a tool in Lupin III: Roads of Elysium, that is available to the player at the very start of the game and can be used during missions and for hunting. Found in the kit section of the Item wheel, they are an important piece of equipment, since they can be used by the player to scan the surrounding environment for nearby hostiles in the terrain or to see faraway players, creatures, and landscapes. The Spyglass is a useful tool, as they are also a good way to study an animal without getting too close — you just have to have a good line of sight on it, and have to keep it centered in view for a few seconds.   Studying animals adds them — and more importantly, information about them — to your Compendium.   The Compendium is a book permanently bound to the player's inventory where detailed information regarding various animals, persons, and objects that the player can interact and encounter while free-roaming is stored as well as Player Information such as leveling and such.   Information on all animals that you may come across during your adventure can be found in this book, and the guide contains a wide variety of information, including where animals inhabit, the best way to hunt them, and crafting details, as well as droplistings, much of which can only be saved to the book if the animal has been studied through the spyglass or hunted previously.   The only exception to this is Bosses who will automatically be added to the book once killing it is completed. In addition, the Compendium will also tally how many creatures you have killed and captured in the Hunt Log. The Hunting Log page shows info about all creatures the player hunted, for each monster, including; amount hunted, amount captured, smallest size, biggest size.   Once information about a creature is stored, the player can give it a quick read-through. Upon doing so, how to tame the creature should pop up.  


The taming strategy will vary from species to species. Some creatures require you to knock them unconscious and feed them, others require a more peaceful and passive taming strategy. Although taming requires time, patience, and a few resources, the end result is usually rewarding and beneficial for both pet and owner.   Taming creatures in RoE comes in two types.   Passive   And   Aggressive  

Passive Taming

Passive taming is any act of taming that does not require the animal to be harmed in order to be domesticated. This act of taming usually only works for small to medium sized creatures and often comes in a variety of ways.  
Hand feeding is a passive method of taming animals. Instead of harming the creature, this method instead uses a stealthlike approach. This method is often used on more skittish herbivorous creatures, but if done correctly, these creatures will not be alarmed and therefore will not run.   Before you can use this method however, you must buy bait! Or craft it yourself if you really want too.   Bait often comes in two separate forms   Regular and Prime   Once you've located the beast you want to tame, open your weapon wheel and make sure you have the Bait selected. Simply then crouch and move up slowly to the creature with the bait selected and wait for the creature to approach, if the creature does not flee, it will slowly eat from your hand. The amount of bait needed to tame a creature varies greatly, some need more, some need less, so always make sure you have plenty on hand. You will know the animal is eating when the number of the bait selected starts to deplete. Prime bait allows for quicker taming but only a set number can be held in a stack. Regular bait is slower to tame but the player can hold more in a stack.  
Lassoing, Mounting or Bucking
  Lassoing is another form of passive taming. As the name suggests, this form of taming often involves the use of a lasso. In order to tame a mount, the player must locate a wild animal and may either lasso, sneak up to, or run and jump up onto it. After which, the player must break the animal. Breaking a tame this way is done by staying balanced for a certain period of time on top of the animal while it bucks, while also attempting to conserve your stamina.   In order to do this, Players have to move in the opposite direction of the tame in order to stay on, and it is important to repeatedly press the button when prompted to calm the animal throughout the process. Doing this until the animal calms down should result in a successful break, after which the tame will always respond to your whistling if they are not agitated.  

Aggressive Taming

Aggressive taming is the most common form of taming that typically involves a wild creature that is either hostile, defensive, or otherwise difficult to approach in a more passive manner. While there can be rare exceptions to this rule with some individuals, this form of taming usually involves minor uses of force such as arrows, darts, or trap snares laced with tranquilizing agents. This ensures that the tamer can approach in relative safety to begin the process of taming.   And how does one approach taming?   With the number one most valued motivator in the wild kingdom, of course!   FOOD.   Many creatures as they slowly awaken and recover can immediately smell this most valuable of resources if placed close to them. The wise Tamer will research the creature's normal diet, and especially their most favorite delicacies if possible and provide these as the creature recovers from the effects slowly. Meats cooked or uncooked, berries, an array of vegetables, fruits, or nuts, eggs or even more exotic ingredients such as raw fire crystal or pumice stone will entice the waking creature and provide a sense of comfort and satisfaction alongside the Tamer's own scent. Whether improved by magical means or eons of such taming methods, this is usually enough to win the affection of most creatures, or at least their initial trust to allow the Tamer to begin to cultivate a True Bond with their new companion.  

Pet bonding, grooming, and reviving

Once a tame is broken and it has allowed you to mount it, the next step is slowly building a bond between the two of you. Perhaps the most vital part of owning a tame is building up a bond with it and this can be done in a multitude of ways. Spending time riding with your tame is one of the most effective ways to increase bonding; keeping it clean, and feeding and maintaining its cores along the way will also build that bond.  
  • You can call your tame from farther distances as you increase your bond with it.
  • Tames that you share a strong bond with will be harder to steal.
  • Bonding with a tame will increase its stamina and health, a massive advantage to the player.
  • Expect that your mount will be able to navigate rougher terrain and deeper water.
  Increasing the bond between you and your mount is no easy or fast task. It happens naturally as you spend time together, but can be slightly expedited if you treat your tame right. Ways to increase your bond with your bond include:  
  • Brushing your tame when it’s dirty. With all that traveling around, the muck and the grime starts to take its toll on your animal's health, eventually leading to it's Health core depleting faster than normal. In one of the early missions you’ll be gifted a brush and using this to clean your tame not only helps their health, but it helps to build your bond
  • Providing food to your Tame when it's hungry (from near it or even mounted).
  • Calming your animal down after something spooks it, such as a gunfight.
  • General use, such as riding and leading your mount if it isn’t too exhausted.


  It’ll cost quite a bit of money to give your Tame the best equipment, but it’s important to remember that certain items have benefits. Stables have lots of equipment that you’ll find under Tack. Getting a good saddle will improve the Drain Rates of your Tame’s health and stamina, and buying a bigger saddlebag provides more room for your inventory.   Dishing out cash for a better stirrup will help to improve the Core Drain Rate, which will benefit you greatly when spending a lot of time in the wilderness away from your camp or a local town. There are some aesthetic choices for you like buying new saddle blankets and bridles. You can also spend a bit of money on giving your Tame a killer mohawk or fancy braiding on its tail and the colors of everything can be changed to give full customization to your Tame.   There are also plenty of provisions at stables to help keep your Tame healthy and energized. The multitude of foods that can be fed have different benefits to refill the Health and Stamina cores, with the more natural of foods providing better results. Tonics are also key to making sure the bars are refilled to the maximum; Tame stimulants fully restore your Tame’s stamina and slightly fortify it for a while, and the medicines fill up their health and fortify them for a brief period too. There are potent versions of both which fortify for longer, so buy a few of these for longer-lasting effects.

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