Robin Archer Character in Robin Archer | World Anvil

Robin Archer


Robin is a half-human, half-fae hybrid. Like most hybrids, this has resulted in some physical differences and compromised abilities. In Robin's case, the result of conflicting DNA is a lack of sexual distinction.   Robin was born in a time before terms like "gender-fluid" were in use, and when discussion of sexuality and physical distinctions was uncommon in the public sphere, so there was less need for an accessible label and a preferred description was never chosen.   As far as pronouns go, Robin acknowledges there are pronouns, but has few personal preferences. Robin appears androgynous to most observing humans and so will go by he or she as the need arises. There have been, at various times, benefits to one identity or the other in pursuing the work assigned by the Faerie Queen. "They" has never really appealed to Robin, for personal and aesthetic reasons, but it's not worth an argument if someone else chances to use it. Mostly Robin considers that there are far greater concerns in life than worrying over a word to suggest a reality that won't quite fit anyway, and whatever pronoun is most convenient at this time is an acceptable one.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Wouldn't it be nice if we could know people by more than a label? But since most humans these days think public labels are the best way of handling even the most intimate of complexities, Robin will under pressure concede to the identity of "asexual." It's meant more literally than usual.


"But what does Robin, you know, really... I mean, you know... C'mon, what's the equipment down there?"   That is an intensely personal question about someone you really don't know that well. Do you make a habit of asking relative strangers about their junk?   But to answer your impertinent question... There's a lot missing. There's a reason Robin likes to avoid doctors, hospitals, public showers, and related situations.   When the Ken doll was invented, that was close, but Ken is still rather traditionally masculine from the waist up, with a martini figure and broad pectorals. Robin is more androgynous all over. And that's quite enough speculating, get a life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Robin has done enough good work to impress the Queen and win a special charge to protect children in the human realm. This is quite an achievement for a hybrid or "half-blood," and Robin is careful not to appear too proud of it, lest that pride draw the unwanted attention and retribution of others who feel their own positions threatened by it.


Contacts & Relations

close friends with Jimmy

Social Aptitude

Very good at deflection. Knows all the rules of hospitality and etiquette, but can be less strict about adhering to them while on the fringes of fae society and living among humans. Loves kids, obviously, and not to eat.


Capable of code-switching when moving between human society and the Court of the Faerie Queen.

Wealth & Financial state

/sad cry-laugh/
Older than it appears
Current Residence


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