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2023-10-19 - Paper and Ink Report

General Summary

The group begin their heist by bribing one of the customs clerks; a goblin named Roob, that Kurag knew was crooked. The found him hanging out in a dingy brothel named The Stable that was run by The Corvids thieves guild. He recognized Kurag's name and declined to get too involved with him but had no qualms about selling info on the customs house for 5g. He informed the team of the guard situation and what means of entrance the building has.
Later that night the crew decided to make their move; they broke into courtyard behind the office aiming for the bathroom window that Roob told them about. Unfortunately their stealth game was not great and they were picked up by the guard and his dogs that were chilling in a small breakroom in the courtyard. The guard managed to blow his signal whistle before the crew could neutralize him, but a fast flung dagger to the guards throat and a door kicked it in his face dropped him quick. A spell from Senyo and a vicious poke from Tor'vay-nel's little mechanical buddy Gadget dispatched the two guard dogs. Ah-tun stabilized the guard so that he wouldn't die and they locked him in his break room with the bodies of his dogs.
Kurag squeezed his way through a small 18in window and finds himself in the small bathroom. While he's investigating the front office Ah-tun wiggles into the window and begins to search the bosses office. They find a sample of paper and ink, but the stamp is missing. While digging deeper Ah-tun tripped a trap of spinning blades but was able to get out of the of its area of effect after taking a cut from it. Still no seal to be found, Ah-tun heads down a never ending spiral staircase to find the customs lockup in the landing caves. Unfortunately for him the crown had invested in an animated statue to guard the lockup. Luckily Ah-tun was a lot faster than the statue and was able to abscond with two small crates and a fancy rug.
While Ah-tun played ring around the statue Kurag searched the bosses office and found a note stating that the customs officer was taking his work home with him that night as well as a business card with their address. Frustrated the team exited the office and start heading for the officers house.

Rewards Granted


Guard - 40xp
Dogs - 20xp(ea)
Trap - 30xp
Statue - 20xp
RP - 40xp
Log of Shipments - 50xp
Locks - 30xp

Total - 250xp


Crate 1
Crate 2
Rock the Bral Campaign
Report Date
19 Oct 2023


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