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Barbed Ballista Assembly

Barbed Ballista Assembly - Item 3
BP 1 Ammo Barbed Ballista Bolt, Light (1g , 2 Bulk), Barbed Ballista Bolt, Heavy (6g , 6 Bulk)

Mount Light

Crew 2-2

Hardness 5 HP 30 (BT 15) Immunities Object Immunities:

This add on to a Ballista changes the attached siege weapon stats as follows when in use;
  • Min-Max Crew +2
  • Range Increment -1 Hex
An attached ballista can us their normal operational stats if this attatchment is not used.

The assembly takes up a light weapons mount that is mounted adjacent to a ballista weapon mount. Most captains use this with a Heavy Ballista to take advantage of the larger engines piercing power but it can be used with a standard ballista for smaller craft. Consisting of a stout ratcheting winch, rope, and a special ballista bolt that's head expands on impact, the bolt from the assembly can be loaded into a ballista of the appropriate size as part of the Load activity. When Launched, if the ballista deals damage to the ships hull and the additional 2 crew members use a action with the (manipulate) trait to wind the winch; the ship gains a +1 Item bonus to take the Hook and Draw activity if made before the weapon teams next turn. In the event that the attacking ship needs to cut and run, the rachet function of winches can be released and the rope run out.


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